Effectiveness and productivity of labor

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 25 Октября 2011 в 18:19, курсовая работа

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A highly efficient agricultural sector – is the basis of material and social well-being of society, without which sustainable development is impossible. It is a kind of guarantor and preservation of national security. Not accidentally agriculture is a priority area in the developed world. In these areas rarely experiment with his guard and police, using new scientific and technological progress.

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   The growth of social production efficiency and use of production assets is closely related to the relief of working conditions, the health and disability workers, with the decrease of industrial injuries and occupational diseases. In actions concerning labor rationalization provided jobs, reducing weight and complexity of works, equipment and sanitary equipment and living facilities, providing employees with special footwear and clothing, landscaping and working areas. In terms of economic security service work affects the production figures, and especially on labor productivity. The higher production standards and better working conditions, the higher level of performance. 


   In a market economy is becoming increasingly important development and implementation of productivity programs.

   It is important to make condition for changes in the structure and personnel qualifications, equipment and technologies, markets that are conducive to the growth of productivity and efficiency of business organizations.

   Planning and guidance for enterprises to achieve the best end result is the most appropriate style of a system of performance management.

   Planning results of increased efforts of the entire system, including senior management, which are aimed at improving the organization, assist in the performance of specific tasks of the organization through planned interventions in the organization structure and processes using scientific methods of management.

   The most common purpose of program increased productivity is to provide communication between an effective system of performance measurement and targets for improving human performance organization by making changes in all or some elements of the organization - people, structure, culture and technology.

   Some more specific objectives of the program include:

    - Training and practical experience in management, planning and problem solving;

    - Improving relations between team members;

    - Creating an effective information system on productivity;

    - Basic indices of the organization;

    - Revitalization of the organization and a favorable social and psychological climate.

Advantages of such programs are:

    - Increase awareness of workers and management about factors that affect performance;

    - Create a link between existing methods of accounting, performance measurement and regular monitoring of performance;

    - Set new competitive standards and norms;

    - Encourage continued attention to improving productivity;

    - Broader and deliberate use of personnel methods and techniques increase productivity.

   In conclusion I can add that structural elements of the agriculture productivity are:

   1. Analysis and evaluation of the organizational system, for which a program. It should be possible to identify internal organization, identify weaknesses and strengths of the organization to take into account anticipated changes in market environment.

   2. Requires assessment of the external environment of the organization, which may affect the design and development program.

   3. Conduct strategic planning. At this stage, provided coordination goals, objectives, performance management work for a period of 3-5 years. It is appropriate to highlight the priorities that are important for the future of the organization.

   4. Develop performance criteria of the program. Identify specific measuring instruments, criteria, and standards by which to evaluate measures for performance management.

   5. Detection and analysis of the reserves increase productivity identify all the material and organizational systems development organization.

   6. Development project, which provides continuity of work, evaluation and cost analysis, features performers.

   7. Development of the planned measures to further enhance productivity.

   8. Developing an effective system of financial incentives for achievement of the planned labor productivity.

   9. Summary results of planning into a single overall plan.

   10. Control over the implementation of measures. 


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