Creative ways of making Money

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 22 Ноября 2011 в 12:36, доклад

Описание работы

John Jantsch, Duct Tape Marketing - “I had a client that we convinced to run a lumpy mail campaign – direct mail with some dimension to it. We created a series of messages with stuff in the boxes to match the message. Two cost savings measures – 1) one mailing had a keys to success theme – we went to a hardware store and got boxes of old miscut keys – they were thrilled to get rid of them. 2) to invite people to a seminar we served great BBQ and used the rib boxes from the well known BBQ place as carriers for the invitations. No cost for the creative boxes and the rib joint was thrilled.”

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Tell Us Your Most Outrageously Creative Money.docx

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