Comunicative compitence

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 04 Марта 2013 в 20:50, курсовая работа

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The purpose of the study is to determine the most effective methods and techniques for the formation of the communicative competence of students in foreign language lessons.
1. Study and analyze the literature on the research problem.
2. Discover the essence and provide a meaningful description of the concept of "communicative competence".
3. Determine the degree of influence on the development of interdisciplinary connections communicative competence
4. Identify the most effective ways and methods of forming the communicative competence
5. Implement the most effective methods and techniques for the formation and development of communicative competence in grades 5-9 on the basis of school

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So, in order that the ideas were specialists, they must be nominated by design "all the rules" - this is a widely held view. And the idea of ​​testing is required, it must prove, to prove the truth. All this is very difficult to attract newcomers and non-experts to solve even the most important issues for the company. The most important element of the method proposed by Osborne, is the removal of this restriction. "Why not split each problem in a way that one part of experienced experts took care of a fact-finding on a legal judgment, then as a creative consultant would focus only on the nomination of one idea at a time" - says A. Osborne.

This division of the search process in the selection of ideas and people to do each step and is the basis of the proposed method. Osborne points to the emergence of a new approach to problem solving approach, which is called "imagination." "You give the freedom of flight of his imagination, and then" imagination "it on the ground."

So when an American businessman Alex Osborn took up advertising, he was faced with the need to find new, of that "flavor", which is usually the "bite" of buyers. We must pay tribute to the research talent Osborne. He grasped the main thing - the search for ideas prevents psychological inertia, our habit of "nakatannomu" way, formulaic solutions.

However, as noted above, Osborne realized that further hinders search for a new sitting deep in the subconscious of every fear of criticism, disapproval of others. And he noticed that some people have a more pronounced ability to put forward ideas, and others - to their analysis, critical thinking. That is why starting the search method that would allow quick to find the best solution, he successfully came to the idea: divide the process of finding solutions in two. At one point, a free creative environment, put forward the idea (and the most "crazy"), and in step 2 - they critically.

Work to improve the method but the war against Nazi Germany. A. Osborn became a military seaman on ships then widely known series of "Liberty", carrying military supplies to Europe. These "Pēkšēns" on the stocks in the pipelined version of the ships were armed, they say, symbolically and often the victims of the first torpedo attack enemy submarines snooping around the Atlantic.

Deciding to take the pressure off the most dangerous, daytime swimming A.Osborn offered free of the watch to play "brainstorming" (brainstorming, he called his method). Sailors, offering different ways to defend against torpedoes were of playful thought to be all on board and "outdot" torpedo into the side. Paradoxically, but specifically raised in the next flight side of a powerful fan with water changed the course of the torpedo. She passed astern, and the ship was saved.

After the war, Osborne had perfected his technique, which became for a time one of the most well known and used for collective solutions.



Stages of brainstorming

In brainstorming has several stages and clear rules of the "game". The stages consist of the preparation and conduct of the assault, the evaluation and selection of ideas, study and development of the most valuable of them.

1) Organizational matters (space, people), production problems

Find people to generate ideas, (the approximate number of 7 + - 2)

Inform them about what the problem is.

Select the group moderator (moderator - someone who will follow the rules of brainstorming at all stages, recording ideas, offer). Better if it is a person energetic, active, and most importantly, knowing features of the method of brainstorming.

Potential difficulties when selecting a suitable ideas and ways to solve them:


One option

Wrong time for group brainstorming or not the people for it.

Conduct individual brainstorming.

There are influential people in the group. The focus group can be shifted to the authorities or respected person. Inability to focus on the task at hand.

Preferably in advance when planning a brainstorming session, to warn the authorities that this event is intended for ordinary employees. For the management should spend some brainstorming.

During brainstorming increases energy to vote. Everybody wants to be heard. Particularly useful if the participants in the group much.

Find a place where you can speak aloud. Moderator ensures that the discussion does not become a "bazaar".


2) brainstorming  itself (generating ideas)

Can be summarized to provide participants with the features of the method of brainstorming, but it is not mandatory.

Moderator task writes on the board.

Members of the group is given 1-5 minutes to reflect on the theme and the idea came to write on a sheet of paper.

Before we discuss ideas to inform the rules of discussion:

  • The main thing - the number of ideas. Do not make any restrictions.
  • A complete ban on criticism (no estimation ideas)
  • Unusual and even absurd ideas are welcome.
  • Combine and improve any ideas.
  • Do not look for details (at this stage rather tezisno voice message)
  • Moderator record all ideas. And he ends writing when they run out, or their number is sufficient.

Potential difficulties when selecting a suitable ideas and ways to solve them:


One option

The participants of the ideas a little or not at all. This can happen if the problem is too global, or the participants brain block.

Great task to break into many small and solve them one by one.

Suggest to think on abstract theme. Make a workout, walk, sit back, preferably in a position dreamer, leaning back in his chair.

Participants do not want to limp to do.

Offer to play a game: "How else can you use a plastic bottle." Take any simple object such as a plastic bottle, the rod from the handle, etc. Next task for 5 minutes to come up with as many variations of the subject (even the most absurd and unrealistic). Offer a prize for the more contrived versions. Next, go to the main topic of brainstorming.

People can not help but critique

Moderator to monitor closely the rules of brainstorming: first idea, then everything else. There is no good or bad ideas. All ideas are good in their own way.

Ideas very much like to do everything to write?

Writes a moderator, using the technique of mental maps. Writing in this way will bring even more creative ideas, plus help to focus on the task at hand.


3) Selecting the right ideas (the analysis of ideas)

Before you start selecting the right ideas to remove duplicate, not relevant to the topic or issue.

Set your priorities (in accordance with the criteria that are most important for us to solve this problem.) Criteria might include: speed, time, money, etc etc.

Most preferred working on the idea (what to do and who is responsible for what, time, resources, milestones, etc.)!

Potential difficulties when selecting a suitable ideas and ways to solve them:


Possible Solutions

Disputes on the prioritization and elimination of unrealistic ideas.

Make a break for 5-7 minutes before selecting ideas. Moderator offers ideas assessment criteria (budget, deadlines, itp.) Puts the priority criteria and in accordance with, selects ideas.

At the stage of detail - the idea becomes unrealistic.  

Work out weaknesses or take the following idea.

Dilemma two ideas that do not know what to choose.

Use the mental maps to solve dilemmas.

Generate a third idea, which will have a strong hand the first two ideas.


Brainstorming techniques (brainstorming, brainstorming, Eng. Brainstorming) - operational method for solving the problem by stimulating creative activity in which participants are invited to discuss the largest possible number of options, including the most fantastic. Then, out of the total number of ideas expressed select the most successful, which can be used in practice. Is a method of expert evaluation.[11]


To conduct brainstorming usually create two groups:

• participants, propose new solutions to the problem;

• Members of the Commission, the proposed processing solutions.

There are individual and collective brainstorming.

In the brainstorming involved a team of several professionals and leading. Before the actual brainstorming session leading manufactures clear statement of the problem to be solved. During the brainstorming participants express their ideas for the solution of the problem, both logical and absurd. If the brainstorming session attended by people of different ranks and grades, it is recommended to hear ideas in ascending order of size, eliminating the psychological factor of "agreement with the authorities."

In the process of brainstorming, as a rule, first solutions are not highly original, but after some time the typical, formulaic solutions are exhausted, and the participants are beginning to have unusual ideas. Leading recording or otherwise record all the ideas generated during the brainstorming session.

Then, when all of the ideas expressed, performed their analysis, development and selection. The result is the most efficient, and often non-trivial solution.


Success brainstorming is highly dependent on the psychological atmosphere and active discussion, so the lead in brainstorming is important. That he can "break the deadlock" and infuse new blood into the process.

The inventor of brainstorming is Alex Osborn, an employee of advertising agency BBD & O.

One of the extensions of the method is the method of brainstorming synectics.

Brainstorming techniques (brainstorming or method of brainstorming)

The game of brainstorming can find free how to conduct the assault, the view, the steps and scenarios for brainstorming, the rules, the nature and use of brainstorming.

The use of brainstorming. How to brainstorm? The scheme of the assault and the rules are very simple.

  • Describe your problem here and we all will look for innovative solutions.
  • The main goal of this brainstorming - solution nestandatno creatively!
  • Participation in this game (and for many, this work) - is the best example of the technique of brainstorming, rather than just read a theory and not be able to use in practice, in the group.
  • People - better than the program of brainstorming!
  • Especially, there are held brainstorming sessions on different topics and scenarios.

2.2. Types of activities of brainstorming

As one of the example for brainstorming we can say about Robinson’s problem.

To leave a desert island, where he was as a result of a shipwreck, Robinson last month slashed a huge tree. Until a few months it has taken to hollow out of this wood boat. All this time, Robinson drove away the thought: what to pull the boat in the water? When the boat was ready - and it turned out so big and robust that it can be safely set sail across the ocean - keep off the matter was already nowhere. Attempts to move the boat from the place were unsuccessful. Robinson tried to do a "reverse" - to bring the water to the boat. But estimated the amount of work and gave up the attempt.

In June 1986 Central Television of the USSR proposed as a starter this, according to the British Academy of Sciences, "unsolvable" problem of the teams participating in the first transfer from the "Need an idea." The transfer took place in the form of technical KVN, the authors of thought, "that this game - great workout inventors, and in many cases, the actual method of solving practical problems."

To participate in the game were invited six teams institutes, and of the "Inventor". The teams - eleven people in each - was strong enough: doctors and candidates of sciences, leading specialists from various branches of engineering. Before transferring the participants were two sessions on mastering methods of solving problems by brainstorming.

Brainstorming involves two steps: generating ideas and expertise. In the first phase the group for a short time to "produce" as many ideas and strive to ensure that they were unusual, original, even seemingly crazy.

Conclusion: The method of brainstorming is an effective way to solve many problems, but with limited time and space to brainstorm is inappropriate. As an option - individual use brainstorming techniques using mental maps, the process is able to save time, as his own, and others', it is more affordable and practical.

                          Chapter 3. Method of  synectics

3.1. Concepts and ideas synectics

Synectics idea originated in the practice of the method of "brainstorming" and in the process of studying individual and collective creative properties. It consists in finding and implementing opportunities accumulates of creative activity by including researchers unconsciously conscious mechanisms in the study of problems, based on socio-psychological interaction in the process of intellectual activity ¬ sequences.

In 1961, the United States published a book of William Gordon "synectics: the development of creative imagination." "The book has opened a new chapter in the search for new methods of creative solutions!" - Supporters shouted "creative inspiration for the instructions." Described in the book approach to the creative process, the rules of work and training creators of new ideas (now would say - "creatives") on top had a great influence on the development of new technology. And despite the fact that the book was never published in Russia, and its ideas soon, after some 5 - 10 years after publication, moved smoothly into the minds of the Soviets, then the most part -- advertisers.

Gordon, proposing his method, rebelled against the traditional view of the nature of creative possibilities, according to which the nature of work - it is the primacy of individual genius. Gordon did not deny the great role of "individual enlightenment" in the search for new and creative solutions, and this was the author of a dualistic view of the nature of creativity. On the one hand incomprehensible spontaneity and uniqueness of each individual, on the other - the need for the system "to find solutions." An attempt to unite these views and Gordon led to the idea of ​​"group think."

Synectics idea intended by its author and founder of this method Ameri-African scholar William Gordon is the formation of "group-Vågå thinking" in a specially created "group sinektorov." He believed that every organization should have the team to continuously to investigate the problems of development, always looking for a new lead.

The main difference from the method synectics "brainstorming" is an approach to the investigation and solution of problems not from the standpoint of advancing ideas in its final form and individual authorship, and representation independent of perfect ideas and thoughts, which "feed" the process of collective thinking. They are given in the form of irrational information metaphors that form-call, a vague sense of acting not so much on the mind of man as to his feelings, relationships in the group, enhance intuition. Group influences the creativity of the individual, due to failure of standard approaches. This is determined not only by two factors: the choice of the group and the organization of its work.

In the selection of the main criteria is the emotional system of human rights, the ability to "turn on" the emotions in the process of intellectual joint local activities. Capable of it, not every person. Necessary to use special tests to form a group. Of course, does not exclude the presence of a variety of knowledge, a certain level of education and practical experience of research.

The group often include experts who are specialists in the field that knowledge to which the problem or which reflects the essential features of the problem. The role of the expert in the research activities of the group can be different. Depending on the situation, or it performs the role of "encyclopedia", correcting concepts and so-hand information about their specificity, or the role of "devil's advocate", introducing a perturbation in the ideas, concepts, images, etc.

In the organization of the group is a major factor in achieving its specific psychological states, which should be changed, making impulses of creative activity, emotional unity, social and psychological interaction. This condition, first, dismissed-ties - involvement, secondly, delaying - caution, third, reflection - looseness, fourth, achievements - of satisfaction.

The first condition is characterized by alienation, distancing from the problem and gradually getting into its essence, content, features.

Second - caution in judgment, rejection of categorical and final conclusions, restraint in the estimates.

Third - the feeling looseness in thought, harping various situations and approaches.

Fourth - the feeling of intimacy management solutions satisfying rhenium joint activities and their results.

These states are not necessarily presented in alternating sequence, but it is always there in synectic group.

In synectic group usually does not (and it may be better if not) a clear leader. Role of leader do all members of the group in turn. The main task of the interim leader of the group to set up a creative perceptionment problems, disable thinking patterns, psychosocial revitalize. This is achieved by the following actions psychological activation.

1. Analysis of the concepts, their meanings and definitions, the transformation problem by generalizing concepts or their inversion, transformation, combination.

2. Attempts to deny the existing concepts, patterns, or of the law, the negative trend or principle.

3. Find unique issues and concepts, their figure of speech-Implemented We identify or contrast, an attempt to make the unknown known  and vice versa.

These actions characterize operators synectics or mechanism, the average properties synectic activities.

The main thing in synectics - to achieve transformation of some unconsciously mechanisms deliberately used when this need arises. It can learn and teach.

In synectics findings are rational, but the process of achieving their pre-rational.

Group should influence the creativity of the individual in such a way that each input into it sought to abandon the standard approaches, was willing to risk in the statement of ideas fought for psy-sky image.

3.2. Examples of solving problems by synectics

1. Laplace's demon

Laplace's demon - a thought experiment in 1814, proposed by the French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace. Essentially Laplace with a fantastic analogy proposed solution to the problem.

The main character of this experiment - a fictional sentient being (demon) capable, accepting at any given time the position and velocity of every particle in the universe, to know its evolution in the future and the past. Laplace thought this creature to demonstrate the extent of our ignorance and the need for the statistical description of some of the real processes in the world.

Laplace himself described his idea as follows:

"We may regard the present state of the universe as a consequence of its past and the cause of its future. Reason, which at any given point in time would be aware of all the forces that lead to the nature of the movement and position of all the bodies of which it is, whether it is also quite vast to submit these data to analysis, could embrace the common law of the movement of the greatest bodies of the universe and minutest atom, for that reason nothing would be uncertain and the future there would be in his eyes, just like the past. "

2. Velcro De Mestrallet

Velcro invented in 1941 by a Swiss engineer and a great lover of tourism Georges de Mestrallet. Brought him the idea to create such a zipper burdock, clinging to the fur of his beloved dog. Observant naturalist saw that the fruit of burdock has tiny hooks with which he clung tightly to his pet hair.

By direct analogy Mestrallet created Velcro which consisted of two layers of material: the first layer was covered with small bristles-hooks, the second layer is covered with subtle loops. When one layer is pressed against the other, clinging hooks and loops are held in this position.

3. Maxwell's demon

Maxwell's demon - a thought experiment in 1867, and its main character - a hypothetical intelligent being microscopic, invented by James Maxwell to illustrate the apparent paradox of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

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