
Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 20 Февраля 2012 в 16:12, реферат

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Republic is located in the central part of the Asian continent, in the south of Eastern Siberia and borders on Irkutsk and Chita regions, Republic of Tuva, Yakutia and Mongolia. The area of ​​Buryatia is approximately equal in Germany. The oldest known traces of human habitation on the territory of Buryatia are the Stone Age - about 30-40 thousand years ago.

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You're good at any time of year:
In the flood of May, in a blaze of January -
Happy edge happier people,
Blooming my Buryatia.
Vladimir Lipatov.




The geographical position.

Republic is located in the central part of the Asian continent, in the south of Eastern Siberia and borders on Irkutsk and Chita regions, Republic of Tuva, Yakutia and Mongolia. The area of ​​Buryatia is approximately equal in Germany. The oldest known traces of human habitation on the territory of Buryatia are the Stone Age - about 30-40 thousand years ago.


Symbols of Buryatia


     The state coat of arms of Buryatia is framed around - a symbol of eternity, of the three color bands of the flag of the republic. Inside the circle - the waves of Lake Baikal and the mountains. Above the coat of arms - the traditional "Soyombo" (moon, sun, fire). At the bottom of the coat of arms - the film "hadaga" - a symbol of hospitality in the name of the Buryat Republic and Russian.


The national flag of the Republic is represented by three colors - blue, white and yellow, which symbolize the sky, purity, and eternity.



Hymn of Buryatia.



Translation - Russian
Taiga, lake, prairie,
You're a good light, the sun is full.
Blooming from edge to edge,
Be happy, dear side.
Cranberry spirit, cherry breath,
Purple rosemary infusion.
I can not breathe, drink and fragrance
My land, forest and plain.
Take the land, filial thanks
Holy water of Lake Baikal treated,
That I have found unprecedented power
For long uphill road.
With you, O land, we have merged,
Mine was, and your fate.
A bow to you from the heart, the edge of my dear,
Favorite Buryatia mine!
Oh, Mother Earth!



Unique and diverse world of the blue expanse of Lake Baikal. 1,200 species of animals and 600 species of different plants are found in it. And most of them - are endemic, ie, found only in Lake Baikal. This is - omul, golomyanka, goby, seal - seal, Baikal sponge and many others.


Picturesque islands, peninsulas and bays of the lake. The largest is the island of Olkhon, the Holy Nose Peninsula, Bays - Barguzinsky, Chivypkuysky Ambassadorial rubbish failure. On all sides around Baikal mountains covered with forests. It is necessary to delve into the woods only a few meters, as you get into the realm of berries, nuts, garlic. You zacharuyut mountain air, crystal-clear springs and pristine forests.

Unique and diverse world of the blue expanse of Lake Baikal. 1,200 species of animals and 600 species of different plants are found in it. And most of them - are endemic, ie, found only in Lake Baikal. This is - omul, golomyanka, goby, seal - seal, Baikal sponge and many others.

Rich and beautiful Lake Baikal - a unique creation of nature. It is our duty - to protect and preserve the integrity of this custom, a man carrying a joy corner of nature.
In Buryatia there are more than a million inhabitants. In the middle of XVII century on the territory of Buryatia were first Russian service people. From this period began the accession of Buryatia in Russia, which played a huge role in the fate of its people. In Buryatia there are more than a hundred nations, and it determines the diversity and multiformity of its life.

Buryatia old, is at the crossroads of many religions. Here coexist peacefully shamanism and Buddhism, the Old Believers and Orthodox Christianity. The rituals of shamanism still exist.
The first Orthodox churches appeared on the territory of Buryatia in the second half of the XVII century with the construction of the first Russian jails.
Many myths and legends associated with the Old Believers. They settled in Buryatia, from the XVIII century, after the split of the Russian Orthodox Church. Along with his faith Semeiskie brought their culture and their special way of life.






Buddhism in Buryatia exists in the form of Lamaism. Buddhist religious complexes - datsans, highlighted by lush architectural ornaments and colorfulness of interior decoration.
In Ivolginsk datsan kept the incorrupt body of Hambo Lama XII Pandito Dashi-Dorzho Itigelova, back in the late 1927, but whose body is contrary to all laws of nature, now 80 years old remains incorrupt.

Administrative Map of Buryatia


Administrative districts

Municipal District of Buryatia

administrative center


An area Barguzinsky

village Barguzin


Bauntovsky area

village Bagdarin


Bichursky area

village Bichura


Dzhidinsky area

s Peter and Paul Fortress


Eravninsky area

Village Pine- Ozerskoe


Zaigraevsky area

settlement Zaigraevo


Zakamensk area

City Zakamensk


Ivolginsky area

village Ivolginsky


Kabanskiy area

village Kabansk


Kizhinginsky area

village Kizhinga


Kurumkansky area

village Kurumkan


Kyahta area

City Kyakhta


Mujsky area

settlement Taksimo


Muhorshibirsky area

village Mukhorshibir


Okinsky area

Orlik village


Pribaikalsky area

village Turuntaevo


Severobaikalsk area

settlement Nizhneangarsk


Selenga area

City Gusinoozersk


Tarbagatay district

village Tarbagatai


Tunkinsk area

Kyren village


Horinsky area

village Horinsk




Our people live on the banks of the great shrines - Lake Baikal, it is associated with deep roots for its rich historical past with a beautiful clean nature and looking forward to the future.
We are open for business and social contacts, we feel ourselves to be a worthy part of mankind, and we wish to live in peace and harmony with all nations. Welcome to Buryatia.


Lake Baikal - lake, from which you can drink

Almost in the center of the vast continent of Eurasia is a narrow crescent of blue - Lake Baikal. In the Baikal mountainous area, surrounded on all sides by high ridges, it stretches 636 kilometers in length and 80 km wide. By area, Baikal is Belgium, with its nearly 10 million people, many cities and industrial centers, roads and railways.
In the Baikal runs 336 permanent rivers and streams, with half the volume of water flowing into the lake, bringing the Selenga. Follows from the lake is the only river - Angara.
Water surface area of ​​the lake is 31 470 square kilometers. Maximum depth of 1637 m, average - 730 m.
In order to realize the enormity of the water body of Lake Baikal, imagine that the Angara, annual outflow from the lake 60.9 km 3 of water, it would take 387 years of continuous operation to drain his cup. Provided, of course, that this time it will not fall or a gallon of water and a drop to evaporate from its surface.
Sure, Lake Baikal - the deepest lake in the world. Not everyone knows that the world's second contender for the title, an African lake Tanganika, behind the leader as much as 200 meters. On Lake Baikal 30 islands, the biggest - Olkhon Island.
The age of the lake should be considered open. Usually in the literature is given in figure 20-25 million years. However, the use of different methods of age determination gives a value of 20-30 million to a few tens of thousands of years. But, if we assume that the conventional view is correct, then we can assume Baikal and the oldest lake on Earth.

Baikal water

Baikal water is unique and amazing, as does Lake Baikal. It is extremely
transparent, pure and saturated with oxygen. In not so long ago it was considered curative, with the help of treating disease.
In the spring of transparency of Baikal's water is as much as 40 meters! This is explained by the fact that the Baikal water, thanks to the activities of living organisms that inhabit it, is very
weakly mineralized and is close to distilled water.
The volume of water in the lake reaches about 23 thousand cubic kilometers, which is
20% of the world and 90% of Russian freshwater. Lake Baikal is more water than all five Great Lakes of U.S. combined - they have lasted a total of only up to 22 725 km3. Annually Baikal ecosystem plays about 60 cubic kilometers of transparent, oxygenated water.

Inhabitants of Baikal

The exclusivity of many physiographic features of the lake was the reason
extraordinary diversity of its flora and fauna. In this regard, it has no equal among the world's freshwaters.
The lake is home to 52 species of fish of several families:
sturgeon (Baikal sturgeon)
salmon (davatchan, salmon, flax, Baikal omul - endemic fish, whitefish)
hariusovye (Siberian grayling)
gobies, sculpin,
Food pyramid of the lake ecosystem crowns typically marine mammal - seal
or Baikal seal. The Baikal seal - the only representative of mammals in the lake. During most of the year
it lives in water and forms a massive fall haul out on rocky shores.
The lives of typical lake animals is inextricably linked not only to himself the lake, but its coastline. Gulls, mergansers, goldeneyes, Turpan, Ogar, erne, osprey and many other species of birds nest on the shores of the lake and its islands.
Wonderful and such an integral part of life of the great lakes, as the mass yield on the shore of brown bears, entirely due to natural features of Lake Baikal.
In the mountain taiga of Baikal usual musk - the smallest deer on the globe.
Diversity of the organic world of Lake Baikal staggering, but not less than phenomenal and his originality. Many living in the lake of animals and plants are not met in any body of water in the world. Lake Baikal is 848 species of endemic animals (60%) and 133 species of endemic plants (15%).


Today, all that is connected with Lake Baikal is a genuine interest not only in our country but also abroad. Baikal over the last decade has become a magnet for many tourists. Relatively well-preserved nature
Lake-Sea, rapidly developing infrastructure - hotels, roads, proximity to transport interchanges - suggest that in future the flow of tourists to the shores of Lake Baikal will only increase.
Come to Lake Baikal! Enjoy its beauty and purity of water, and feel that is almost mystical
energy, which gives the sacred sea to everyone who comes to his side.
Based on the article "Unique Baikal", prepared by Valentina Ivanovna Galkina, honored worker of culture of Russia, head of the exposure of the Baikal Museum SB RAMS.




















1) Surname________AVERINA _________________________________                           

2) First name_______OKSANA__________________________________

3) Adress_Settlement Kamensk. D-c Kabanskii. Buryatia  Trydovaya street 2.

4)Telephone numeber_____ 89457563421___________________________


6)Date of birth___________  6 July  1981____________________________

7)   Nationality___Rashan.____Marital status__(married).

8)Occupation(iob)____Timlyusky cements zaavod .canteen cook-cashier.___

9)Interest______________Mysic. Sinqinq____________________________.














                                        Application form


1)Application date_____15.02.2012__________________________________

2)Name.  Middle name.  Surname____________________________________

__Okcana______ Mihailovna______Averina___________________________

3)Year. Date.  Monthandplase of birth____1981____06__July_____________

_Buryatia.____settlement_Zaigraevo.__Zaigraebskogo _area ______________

4)Marital_status and your_chidren_age_____Daughter_10_years___Old_____

5)Your home address and telephone:___Buryatia__D-c_Kabanskii._settlement


6)Command of foreign languages. how  long did you studythem___English ___

Languages.    6 years_______________________________________________

7)Desired position____Head of the dining room_________________________

8) Can you work in shifts____From 6 or 7_a.m. or_______________________

9)Your present iob since when:_Timllyusky cements zaavod .4 years 2007years

10)Your previous iob:_________School 2 chef in the dining room___________

11)Your edication and training:___Secondary-special.___no________________

12)What do you expect from working?___Raise_money___________________

13)When coulo you start working:__Sinse__present______________________

14)Your present satary:____10000-12000_ rybles_________________________

15)Desired salary at uor restaurant:_______25000-30000_rybles_____________

16)Your hobby:___Singing.__Mysic___________________________________



Для начала необходимо дать характеристику такому предприятию общественного питания как ресторан. Итак, рестораном называется тип предприятия общественного питания, в котором налажено внутреннее производство довольно обширного набора сложной кулинарной продукции и при этом в этом заведении также непременно присутствует высокий уровень обслуживания клиентов. Именно такое заведение общественного питания имеет право называться рестораном.
Рестораны размещают, как правило, на центральных оживленных улицах городов, при гостиницах, в аэропортах, на пристанях или даже на плавучих конструкциях, в местах массового отдыха и т.д.
В ресторанах обычно имеет место практика приготовления блюд по индивидуальным заказам клиентов. В меню присутствуют фирменные блюда заведения, изготовленные шеф-поваром. Меню ресторана составляется исходя из позиционирования заведения, это может быть ресторан национальной кухни или смешанных кухонь.
Одной из отличительных черт ресторана является такая организация работы заведения общественного питания, при которой клиенты, приходя в ресторан вправе рассчитывать на высокий класс обслуживания.
Зачастую в ресторанах существуют площадки для выступления музыкантов. Живая музыка привлекает в заведения ресторанного типа дополнительных посетителей.
Обслуживанием гостей заведения занимаются официанты и бармены, которые для предоставления клиентам высокого качества обслуживания должны пройти подготовку на тренингах.
Достаточно высокий уровень комфорта для клиентов создается также за счет интерьера и обстановки ресторана. Удобная мебель, кондиционированный воздух, уютная атмосфера, все это важные составляющие хорошего ресторана.
Приготовлением различных блюд и напитков в ресторанах занимаются повара высокой квалификации. В ресторанах высокого уровня официанты должны знать английский язык, потому что заведения этого типа часто посещают иностранные туристы.
В ресторанах, как правило, имеются кондитерские производства с широким ассортиментом выпускаемой продукции.
В качестве сопутствующих товаров через буфеты и бары ресторана реализуются кондитерские изделия промышленного производства в ассортименте и различной упаковке — конфеты, шоколад и т.д. Кроме того, бары и буфеты предлагают посетителям большой выбор алкогольных и безалкогольных напитков, пива, сигарет и различных фруктов.
Часть заведений позиционируется как рестораны национальной кухни.
В помещениях для приготовления блюд размещается современное, профессиональное оборудование для приготовления пищи в достаточных объемах.
В качестве дополнительных услуг рестораны организуют реализацию кулинарных и кондитерских изделий через магазины-кулинарии, кафе, бары, розничную торговлю, принимают заказы на приготовление блюд для семейных торжеств, занимаются обслуживанием питания корпоративных клиентов.
Ресторан должен иметь на фасаде световую вывеску с названием ресторана.
У входа в ресторан вывешивается табличка с режимом работы. Подъезд к ресторану должен хорошо освещаться и иметь место для парковки автомобилей. В общем как Вы поняли открыть ресторан не так просто, но несомненно это интересная и заслуживающая внимание идея для собственного бизнеса. Многие бизнесмены попробовали себя в этом деле, но только единицы достигли совершенства в этом деле.














Информация о работе Buryatia