Advertising texts and their translations

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Сентября 2011 в 17:22, курсовая работа

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Relevance of the topic lies in the fact that the translation in its development went through several stages, but currently preferred informative translation, which features individually-author's style is not so important. Also with the development of information technology emerged computer programs to simplify the translation, we need to know the advantages and disadvantages of this type of translation. All these changes are related to advertising texts, which in its significance beyond a high place.


Introduction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 3-4

Chapter 1. The translation process in the modern world

1.1. The value of transfer ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ...5-7

1.2. Art of Translation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .......... 7-8

1.3. The ratio of translation to the original ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..8

Chapter 2. Translate the text using the program Promt Gigant

2.1. Source code ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..9-11

2.2. Translation software Promt Gigant ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .11-12

2.3. Edited translation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 12-13

2.4. Analysis of the text, translated by Promt Gigant ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ..13

Chapter 3. Advertising texts and their translations

3.1. The meaning and function of advertising ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... 14

3.2. Difficulties in translation of advertising ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... ... ... ... 15-18

3.3. Purpose of advertising the title ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 18-19

Conclusion ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... 20-21

Bibliography ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... .22

Applications ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....

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    2.3. Edited translation 

    Computer manufacturer

    There are two finished the stage in the manufacture of computers, namely, OEMs, and design and build complete computer systems.

    Integrated circuits are designed and developed by electronic engineers and fabricated by highly skilled workers using sophisticated equipment. Computers are used in the design, manufacture and testing of these circuits.

    The full process of designing and constructing a computer fully integrated and includes the work of several people. Stage described in detail in the following sections.

    Most computer manufactures have a research department, researching new computer architectures, new hardware devices, new software methods and new computer applications. The staff of the Department of scientists, engineers, researchers and technicians, as well as highly skilled software engineers. A more detailed discussion of the research will be described in paragraph 3 of 2.5.

    A complete draft of a new computer (or several computers) is in the hands of developers of computer architectures. Modern computers are designed in accordance with the hardware and software features. Accordingly, system programmers writing system software for the computer, are also involved in the project.

    Highly skilled workers are responsible for the various stages of production and assembly sites. Flow lines are not used. Basically, a group of workers conducting the module through all stages of assembly and exhaustive testing.

    One of the most highly paid work in the computer industry - retailer of computers. Vendors are working in conditions of fierce competition, where their level of earnings depends to some extent on their sales abilities. The process of selling large computer systems may take several months.

    Specialists are responsible for the operation of the installation and commissioning of new computer nodes, and the maintenance and repair of systems in action. With many computers working around the clock, this activity often requires working overtime.  

    2.4. Analysis of the text translated using the program Promt Gigant 

    When working with this software product were found following error in the translation of the text. Lexical analysis of the text showed that PROMT for the most part adequately takes the simple parts of speech, but admits mistakes in translating the cases, accessories adjectives, speech speed, constructing sentences.

    The disadvantage is the inaccuracy of an interpreter translating words with multiple meanings. For a more adequate translation in the future may offer more in-depth heuristic analysis of the grammatical construction of the proposal to improve the translation quality of different parts of speech and grammatical characteristics, as well as eliminate the conflict of dictionaries in the translation of specialized texts.

    Grammatical text analysis showed that the electronic translator copes with the translation of words in the plural and singular, but there is some difficulty in transferring cases and production of verbs in the correct number. This is due to different interpretation of cases in Russian and English languages: in Russian - in the end, in English - after prepositions.

    Main material is detailed in Appendix №  1  

    Chapter 3: Advertising texts and their translations. 

    3.1. The meaning and function of advertising 

    As we know, market conditions have caused the accelerated development of advertising as a social institution and the professional activities of hundreds of thousands of people in our country. From dilettante trade offer advertising turns into a sophisticated mechanism for influencing the consumer. Modern media have fueled the spread of international promotional activities. Today, translation of advertising has become not only necessary but also a daily occurrence of life of the world community. In this case, knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the process are not only required, but also guarantee the quality of translation.

    Translation of advertising texts, in contrast to the translation of fiction in which the interpreter must convey artistic and aesthetic qualities of the original, is somewhat different in form, language tools, as well as a pronounced communicative orientation. In the process of translating these texts, the translator has to decide as a purely linguistic, linguistic problems arising from differences in semantic structure and features of using two languages ​​in the process of communication and sociolinguistic problems of adaptation of the text.

    The translator must often seek special funds for the transfer of semantic and stylistic components of the original. In this case reached the pragmatic equivalence between the original and translation, which determines the communicative effect of advertising. We are interested in the communicative function of the translation of advertising texts, rather than artistic and informative.

    In this study, the research process of advertising texts, we assume that the target audience speaks a different language, but also has other specific features of the sociocultural environment. In this context, pragmatic adaptation - it changes to a translator in the translated text in order to achieve the desired response from the audience, in other words, it should be properly convey the basic communicative function of the original.  

    3.2. Difficulties in translation of advertising texts 

    The translators of advertising texts are faced with considerable difficulties in the transfer of pragmatic capacity of the original. In particular, it relates to the transfer in the ad text, facts and events connected with the culture of the people, the different national traditions and the names of dishes, details of clothing, etc.

    AD Schweitzer wrote that the interpreter must pass a pragmatic aspect of the contents of the source text by forwarding it to the recipient foreign language "in view of the reaction, which causes the text, accurately conveys the denotative and connotative components of the content of the original statements from foreign-language readers. Thus there is a pragmatic adaptation of the original text, ie certain amendments to the socio-cultural, psychological and other differences between recipients of the original and the translated text. " In practice, it is the sociolinguistic factors become decisive in translating advertisements into another language.

    Today's realities make us more attentive to the translation of advertising texts, and also in terms of their psychological impact on the mass audience. Ad text should contain clear evidence, they must be exhaustively described so accurately understood. When translating advertising texts translator must take into account: the aim of the text, the character of the consumer, the quality of the text of the original language, cultural and individual features of the language in the cultural aspect of the consumer and much more. Translation of advertising texts can be defined as close to "adequate." This type of translation due to practical necessity. This approach requires a good knowledge of the translator object, referred to in the original, I wanted to tell the author of the advertising text, ie communicative intention of advertising text. Translation of advertising text for changes in verbal form should be, however, accurately conveys the meaning.

    Continuing to talk about the role of translation in the modern world can not remain silent on the global advertising as well as text ads, there are some types of advertising, which, as is standard for the world, universally used phrase or stereotypes in order to maintain the feeling associated with the feature of the advertised product. In addition, for ease of reading a foreign language, there are graphic icons that can also be classified as advertising texts, since they carry with them certain information. The icons can also be the subject of much research because they are often visually complement the ad text, and often help the translator to find the necessary language tools.

    To attract the attention of advertising sometimes uses the text of a foreign language. Using words from another language violates the grammar rules the reader and, therefore, attracts attention and becomes part of the "visual design" along with color and image. But the foreign text can also cause a breakdown in communication, if the words are not clear, in this case the problem of the translator to use all the knowledge of the theoretical basis of translation for the transfer of the communicative functions of the original.

    Thematic analysis of advertising shows that the most frequently advertised goods are items of cosmetics and perfumery, food and pharmaceuticals, household appliances, clothes, cars. We can say that this concept is universal set for the advertising market in any country. However, despite the overall process of globalization of the advertising market, advertising kulturospetsifichna thematic structure: the content of advertising in each country is characterized by a number of notable differences, reflecting the peculiarities of social development in this particular kulturolingvisticheskom range. One illustration of this provision may be gradual removal from the market of Western advertising of alcohol and tobacco as harmful to health products.

    In Russia, most advertisers - the foreign company. And many long-standing problem of translation of the original phrase and its adaptation in the Russian language. The reason here is obvious, in typological differences between English and Russian languages. As is well known "English - the language of analytical. Russian - a synthetic "This means that the meaning of the phrase, which in English is expressed through changes in formal characteristics of words in Russian is transmitted through a combination of several meanings of words. When translating English advertising texts, in some cases, Russian translator does not translate the text and give it "semantic equivalence". For example,

    «Maybe she's born with it,

    Maybe it's Maybelline » 

    Everyone is impressed by you,

    And you - from "Meybellin"

    Text ad campaign whiskey Johnnie Walker »- taste life» in English in a literal translation sounded like - "Try the taste of life", the Russian language has been translated as - "Live to be something to remember." This is a typical example of a pragmatic adaptation of the text.

    Advertising of cosmetics and perfumes for women, in most cases is characterized by a refined style, full of specific phrases and other means of expression that makes the text very special sound, a unique tone of voice, even if it comes to advertising in the press, for example:

    «Inside this jar you'll find a radiantly glowing skin,

    naturally-blushed cheeks, wondrous eyes and color-kissed

    lips. Suddenly your skin has a radiant sun-kissed glow ».

    or: «The infinite, endless, limitless possibilities of lips and

    nails. With Evette. Loads of colors for luscious lips.

    Nearly as many for mails.

    Such a huge choice - and such a small coast.

    Means you can afford to try them all.

    Be different daily. Be dreamy or dramatic.

    Experiment, but still economize.

    Be bold and be beautiful - but don't break the bank.

    That's a special mouth and fingertip. From Evette

    Evette. That's the beauty of Woolworth. » 

    In the Russian-speaking environment often successfully, there are those untranslatable slogan that contain the words the minimal vocabulary of foreign words, an ordinary high school student. This factor is largely due to successful implementation in the Russian market of foreign language untranslatable slogans such as: Sports company Nike - Just do it. Company Sony - It's a Sony

    Company Panasonic - ... from Panasonic. Advertising Campaign vodka Absolut - Absolut Moscow, Absolut autumn, Absolut spring.

    As already mentioned, the effectiveness of advertising text depends on the successful connection of all its components: image, sound, image, verbal fabric. However, researchers have noted the paramount importance is the verbal component of advertising - verbal text. «In fact the language of ads is sometimes more important than the visual aspect», - writes British author Gillian Dyer Indeed, the importance of verbal language for advertising is extremely important: it is only through a verbal text of the key advertising idea gets its actual implementation, in other words, begins "work". For example, the meaning of the stunt with a cow escaping from a picnic in television commercials ketchup «Heinz» becomes clear only when a label "80% of all cows are eaten with ketchup" Heinz ". The set of such examples, and for Russian television advertising. For example, the image of a hedgehog and underneath the text "We will soon open our hearts!".


    3.3. Purpose of advertising header 

    The purpose of advertising the title is to attract the audience's attention and arouse interest in the advertised product or service. Ad header must contain the advertising appeal and the main advertising argument, which later developed mainly advertising text. (See Appendix № 2)

    The subject of advertising also has a significant influence on the style of the advertising text, which, in particular, notes the author of the book Advertising as Communication, Gillian Dyer: "The Language (of advertising) for fashions is often tactile and caressing and uses adjectives of touch, shape and physical comfort . The intention is to invest the product with meaning by tone, rhythm and association "

    Advertising text tries to convey the properties advertised product, such as using the images and using language, such as the style of advertising of expensive perfume, usually refined and expressive:

    «'M' is for moments you'll never forget?

    For days marvelous with flowers and laughter.

    For nights magical with means and old promises.

    'M' Fragrances by Henry C. Miner.

    It's Magic; » 

    A style of advertising a product known as Tea Earl Grey - create a unique atmosphere of refined comfort:

    Earl Grey Tea

    Reminiscent of the warm nature

    Scents of a far-away summer evening

    With a tantalizing taste and delicately

    Scented in a secret way described by

    A Chinese mandarin many years ago.

    Much to the satisfaction of its many

    Admirers Twinings share the secret.

    At is most refreshing served

    Straight with only a sliver of lemon.

    In this regard, there are advertising texts, including elements mezhdometnogo, zvukopodrazhaemogo character:

    Lemonade "Merinda": Merinda a - a - a - a ....

    M - M - M - M "Danone"

    For many practitioners of advertising text of a foreign language is only a means to understand the idea of ​​an advertised product, the very same text is often written anew in the language of the consumer with regard to its national circumstances. In cases where exact translation is for any reason undesirable, "the translator uses an approximation within the meaning of phrases that must take into account traditional ethnic, national and social characteristics, patterns of behavior of a specific audience, which designed products designated in the ad text.

    Explorer of the creative process of translation A. Lilac, considers translation of advertising texts as "art on the linguistic level, whereas the translation of literary texts as works related to artistic and imaginative thinking." 


    When translating works of the main task of the interpreter - to use all the knowledge of the theoretical foundations of translation for the transfer of the communicative functions of the original, since the knowledge of the theoretical foundations of translation and extra-realities, a necessary condition for the adequacy of the translation.

    Literary translation, as a poetic and the prosaic - art. Art - the fruit of creativity. And creativity is not compatible with literalism. 21 delimit the literal accuracy, the subscript on the accuracy of Art. He understands that the only art precision gives the reader into the circle of thoughts and sentiments of the author, visualize its style system in all its originality, that only the artistic precision is not embellishes and distorts the author. But once the translation - the art, have nothing in common with bukvalisticheskim craft, hence, the interpreter must be provided with the writer's gift. Art of Translation has its own peculiarities, and yet the writers and interpreters are much more similarities with the original writers, rather than points of difference. On this beautifully told in a Junkers AIKuprin: "... for translation from foreign languages ​​know little, albeit excellent, the language, but should still be able to penetrate into the deep, lively, diverse meaning of each word in the mysterious power connection of one or the other words. "

    Computer translation is devoid of humanity, so it will never be able to take a dominant position in the translation as an artistic and technical texts. We will always be missed by this translation of imagery and completeness of the statements.

    The process of translating a creative and commercial translation process - twice. But the translators should not be too carried away and forget that: "Right, Dale Carnegie: the reader interested in himself. In advertising, for example, his interest is not a commodity and not the company, to create it and solving its problems. This advertiser understands and psevdoreklamist convinced that advertising - is a field for his "self-expression."

    Making the conclusions we came to the conclusion that ad text because their specificity will never be translated literally, as in this case, he may lose the meaning and force of its impact. When translating advertising texts into other languages ​​should be considered ethical, psychological, and psychographic (personality) characteristics of the audience and consumer-sensitive and culture of the country for which the text was intended.

    For the ideal interpreter - merge with the author. But the merger requires searching, imagination, resourcefulness, getting used, empathy, visual acuity of smell and hearing. Expanding the creative personality, but that it does not obscure the identity of the author.



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