Accounting Basics

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 19 Декабря 2011 в 14:32, курсовая работа

Описание работы

Accounting is a glorious but misunderstood field. The popular view is that it's mostly mind-numbing number-crunching; it certainly has some of that, but it's also a rich intellectual pursuit with an abundance of compelling and controversial issues. Accountants are often stereotyped as soulless drones laboring listlessly in the bowels of corporate bureaucracies. But many accountants will tell you that it's people skills, not technical knowledge, that are crucial to their success. And although it's often thought of as a discipline of pinpoint exactitude with rigid rules, in practice accountants rely heavily on best estimates and educated guesses that require careful judgment and strong imagination.


1. Introduction 3
2. History Of Accounting 4
3. Branches Of Accounting 5
4. The Basics 8
5. The Accounting Process 12
6. Financial Statements 14
7. Glossary 19
8. List of source 25

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