Межкультурная компетенция

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 31 Марта 2013 в 20:57, научная работа

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The main objectives of cultural education around the world suggest the formation of intercultural competence that by the use of a critical review of culture and tradition.docx

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The main objectives of cultural education around the world include the formation of intercultural competence that by the use of a critical review of culture and tradition, leads learners to patience, knowledge, self-confidence, recognition of equality and to a conscious, responsible social behavior and mutual enrichment of cultures that make up a society.

Intercultural competence - is the ability to communicate with representatives of other nationalities. It is also a peaceful attitude and warm respect to the traditions and rituals towards other cultures within the hometown. The urgency of studying the formation of intercultural competence in students is that, in certain ages they realize the term. Having arrived to a new city or a country students encounter with turbulent interactions. Either they come to accept those norms and continue their education, or they gather only “own people”, which creates a “fraternity” around them.

Paying attention to the “own” or “odd” definitions, the students of the former “list” will be successful and flourish in any sphere, whereas the representatives of the latter definition will end up making constant quarrels and surely fail.   

Moreover, it is evidently seen, that sometimes there are students who built a contact only with the people of developed countries and refrain themselves to interact with so called “Third World countries” despite their rich cultural heritage. Cultural interaction cannot only be seen among students or students abroad, but also in teams, organizations, and in families.

Development of intercultural competence qualities such as tolerance, knowledge, organizational skills, self-confidence is the main guarantee for the moral, spiritual, economic and political development of the country.

For the time being, the study and development of various aspects of intercultural competence is being learnt by group of humanities: cultural studies, anthropology, communications studies, economics, sociology, culture, linguistics, pedagogics etc. Owing to the science specialists’ activities of certain branches, there were editions devoted to the consideration of various relationship problems of cultures.

In cultural studies, Intercultural competence is of the highest level of adaptability, it is a whole intercultural competency of personality - the perfect model of cultural relativism. Intercultural competence is consisted of learning the methods and types of communication. The path of intercultural communication leads to intercultural competence - awareness of other cultures.

Intercultural competence in cultural anthropology is considered in two aspects:

• As the ability to accept another cultural identity, which implies knowledge of the language, values, norms, and standards of behavior of other communicative community;

• how the ability to achieve success on dealing with the representatives of other cultural communities even there’s an insufficient knowledge of the basic elements of the culture of their partners.

Intercultural competence is defined as "the ability of some members of another cultural community to reach the deep meaning in the process of interaction with other cultures, with the use of compensatory strategies for conflict prevention" own "and" odd "and create a new intercultural communicative commonality."

In economics, management and governance under intercultural competence means a series of professional qualities of a manager, which includes:

- Theoretical knowledge of national cultures and management patterns (cross-cultural settings, behavioral stereotypes and perception, types of national and corporate cultures, etc.);

- Psychological traits of an individual (openness, flexibility, tolerance, a willingness to work with the representatives of other cultures);

- Practical skills of effective intercultural communication, including language skills.

The basis for a successful cross-cultural communication is emotional competence and intercultural perceptiveness.

Intercultural competent is a person who embraces and understands the specific programs of perception, thinking and actions of people from alien cultures, for him. Previously acquired experiences will be growing.

In pedagogical terms, the concept of intercultural competence is defined as the knowledge of the living habits, manners, customs, and settings of certain society that shapes individual and group settings, individual motivations, behaviors, nonverbal components (gestures, facial expressions), national and cultural traditions, values.

In the world-educational practice, "competence" acts as a central and main concept - "... Because, firstly, it combines intellectual and skillful constituent in education. Secondly, the ideology of the content of education is laid on the concept “competence”, formed by "the result" ("standard output"). On the other hand, the key competence has an integrative nature, since it incorporates a number of similar or closely related skills and knowledge relating to the broad field of culture and activities - informational, legal and so on. »

The majority of foreign authors define intercultural competence as an awareness, knowledge and skills necessary to communicate with others, with socially isolated people, precisely. For example, Sorti defines intercultural competence as "the process of learning to a new culture, its language, types of behavior in order to understand the people of this culture, feel sympathy for them and live lovely life interact with them." In summary, we note that the formation of cross-cultural competence is understood as the formation of a certain range of knowledge, skills and personal qualities necessary for interpersonal communication in specific social conditions, in accordance with the cultural and social norms of behavior. A competence emerges as the result of the specific and formed knowledge and skills, what people already know well. At its core intercultural competence - is the foundation for the formation of national identity, to develop the ability to see own national perspective.


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