Political propaganda

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 21 Января 2013 в 15:17, курсовая работа

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In the modern world political propaganda as a persuasive form that influences human behaviors, has been changed humongously due to the process of globalization and technological revolution. It has become a useful tool for governments to legitimate their power and direct people`s activities. Thus, it should not be fought, but rather be developed.

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Nowadays, despite the fact that propaganda carries false information and has many negative impacts, it is a great weapon. Using it in the right way will help to solve many problems within countries and why not problems on global level. Besides, propaganda will never disappear. The intelligency must realize that propaganda is the modern instrument by which they can fight for productive results and help to bring order in emergency situations. Thus it is not necessary to fight against it, moreover, new effective ways of its development should be promoted.







  1. Adolf Hitler,'' Mein Kampf'', Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1943, p. 181-183
  2. A. Rhodes, “Propaganda: The Art of Persuasion World War II”, Book Sales, 1988
  3. Edward Bernay, “Propaganda”, 1928
  4. Garth S. Jowett and Victoria O’ Donnell, “Propaganda and Persuasion” SAGE Publications, Fifth Edition, 2011
  5. Jane Evans, ''The Art of Persuasion. Political Propaganda from Aeneas to Brutus'', Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1992
  6. Kathryn Welch and Anton Powell, “Julius Caesar as Artful Reporter: The War Commentaries as Political Instruments”, London: Duckworth and The Classical Press of Wales, 1998
  7. Nicholas O`Jackson Shaughnessy, ''Politics and Propaganda', Univ of Michigan Pr. 2004
  8. Pratkanis, Anthony and Aronson, Eliot,  ''Age of Propaganda: The Everyday Use and Abuse of Persuasion'', Holt Paperbacks, 2001

1 Nicholas O`Jackson Shaughnessy, Politics and Propaganda, 2004

2 Kathryn Welch and Anton Powell, Julius Caesar as Artful Reporter: The War Commentaries as Political Instruments, p. 55

3 Joseph Goebbels, ''Will and Way'', 1931, p 3

4 Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1943), 181

5 Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1943), 183

6 Edward Bernay, “Propaganda”, 1928, p. 9

7 http://www.ithaca.edu/rhp/programs/cmd/blogs/posters_and_election_propaganda/tags/obama/


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