Peptic ulcer disease. Treatment of gastric ulcers.of gastric ulcers

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 19 Февраля 2013 в 10:25, практическая работа

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What is a peptic ulcer?
Peptic ulcer - a chronic disease, the essence of which is recurrent gastric or duodenal ulcer, usually against gastritis caused by H. pylori infection (Helicobacter pylori). 8-10% of the population suffers from this disease. Duodenal ulcers occur 4 times more often than gastric ulcers. In patients with duodenal ulcers men predominate over women, whereas among patients with gastric ulcers ratio of men and women alike. Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers in our clinic doctors provoditsyaopytnymi gastroenterologists, to prepare these materials.

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    •  Peptic ulcer disease. Treatment of gastric ulcers.of gastric ulcers.
    • What is a peptic ulcer?
    • Peptic ulcer - a chronic disease, the essence of which is recurrent gastric or duodenal ulcer, usually against gastritis caused by H. pylori infection (Helicobacter pylori). 8-10% of the population suffers from this disease. Duodenal ulcers occur 4 times more often than gastric ulcers. In patients with duodenal ulcers men predominate over women, whereas among patients with gastric ulcers ratio of men and women alike. Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers in our clinic doctors provoditsyaopytnymi gastroenterologists, to prepare these materials.
    • Which leads to gastric and duodenal ulcers? 
      Imbalance between aggressive and protective factors affecting the lining of the stomach or duodenum, lead to the development of ulcers. To aggressive factors include hydrochloric acid, which is produced in the stomach (in the early twentieth century there was a formula of "no acid - no ulcer"), bile acids produced by the liver and enters the duodenum, the duodenal contents reflux into the stomach. To guard - mucus, which is produced by cells of the mucous, normal blood circulation, the timely recovery mucosal cells. To the predominance of factors of aggression lead: blood (0) I, the presence of H. pylori in the stomach or duodenum, receiving dipyrone, aspirin, indomethacin, stress, emotions, excessive consumption of coffee, alcohol, spicy foods.


    • Important in the development of the disease is hereditary. This refers to the presence of the disease in your family (father, mother, grandparents). Not inherited the disease and predisposition: an increased number of cells that synthesize hydrochloric acid, reduced resistance to the effects of mucosal hydrochloric acid, congenital deficiency of blood vessels that supply blood to the gastric mucosa and duodenal ulcers. Prevalence of hazards against a genetic predisposition leads to the disease. 
      The role of H. pylori is that he is in the process of their life produces ammonia, which indirectly increases the production of hydrochloric acid. In addition, Helicobacter pylori produces substances that damage the cells lining the stomach and duodenum, causing inflammation. With the destruction of infection, as a condition of treatment of stomach ulcers, inflammation signs disappear
    • What appears ulcer? 
      The most common manifestation of peptic ulcer - a pain in the stomach: a sharp, burning, aching. It may be vague, stupid or felt as a feeling of fullness, heaviness in the stomach or remind hunger. In duodenal ulcer pain occurs in 1.5-3 hours after eating, often at night, usually decreases after a few minutes after eating or taking of alkalizing (almagel, soda solution), resulting in the neutralization of hydrochloric acid and a weakening of its irritant. In patients with gastric ulcer pain occurs or worsens after eating alkalizing agents reduce it not so good. They are characterized by nausea, vomiting more frequently than in patients with duodenal ulcer. Many people lose weight because they eat little because of the lack of appetite. 
      About half of exacerbations ulcer symptoms. The pain is often accompanied by nausea, heartburn, belching. There may be cases with atypical manifestations: no pain due to food intake, lack of seasonality of exacerbations (spring and fall).
    • Complications of gastric ulcers 
      In 10-15% of cases of complicated peptic ulcer bleeding. It manifests itself vomit mixed with red blood to vomit or in the form of coffee grounds. Maybe black stools, as the blood changes its color when exposed to fecal bacteria. Also, as a rule, concerned about the general weakness, dizziness. 
      In 6-20% of patients with the disease is complicated by perforation, that is, the formation of the hole in the abdominal cavity. A keen, "dagger" a pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, severe general weakness, fever. 
      Stomach ulcers may grow into other adjacent organs: the pancreas, the ligaments that support the liver and duodenum. It occurs in 15% of patients. To join manifestations ulcer symptoms of damage to the body, which grows ulcer. If the pancreas, the pain becomes constant, is given in the back, if the hepatoduodenal ligament can develop jaundice. 
      As a result of a long-term gastric or duodenal ulcers in 6-15% of patients develop narrowing in its existence. This is due to the fact that the ulcer heals, and in its place formed a scar. With frequent and long-term healing ulcers scar becomes rough. He distorts and narrows the lumen of the organ. This leads to delayed release of the stomach and duodenum of the food eaten. Patients worried belching rotten, exhaustion. With increasing contraction, increases the incidence of vomiting, including eaten before the meal. 
      Failure of treatment of gastric ulcer pills can be a sign of cancer. Therefore, after the treatment of gastric ulcers, some patients need endoscopy with taking a piece of mucosa to exclude malignancy.
    • Examination and treatment of gastric and peptic ulcer disease 
      If you suspect you have yourself an ulcer or duodenal ulcer, then you need to consult a doctor, a gastroenterologist. You can refer to our clinic. Our doctors will appoint you to assessment and treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, according to the latest international standards. Now there are very effective treatments to prevent disease progression. Do not self-medicate, as time is not detected or treatment of a disease can be complicated by bleeding, which is life threatening. Then you need to be as fast as possible to go to hospital to stop it may have to do the surgery. Often aggravate ulcers, which developed a significant narrowing in long-existing ulcers eventually are indications for surgical treatment. Meaning, which is to remove part of the stomach or duodenum, where there is a long-existing ulcer, or narrowing of the stomach and duodenum, the restoration of normal food patency of these bodies. However, after surgery may develop nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, heartburn, dizziness, nausea, palpitations. Sometimes, in 5% of patients, ulcers occur again.

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