Warming up

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 04 Апреля 2012 в 20:16, дипломная работа

Описание работы

Warming up as a means of rising motivation



1 Warming up as means of teaching phonetics

1.1 The role of phonetics in the teaching process

1.2 A brief description of lesson procedure

1.3 Different approaches to warming up technique

1.4 The importance of warming up as a part of English lesson

1.5 Types of phonetic warming up

2 Phonetic skills acquiring through warming up

2.1 Developing sound pronunciation

2.2 Teaching correct pronunciation of words, with special attention to stress

2.3 Teaching right intonation in sentences



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A warm up should be part of the everyday lesson plan and of course after the greeting is the first thing teacher employs with the students. It should be an easy exercise that all students can participate in. Participation of all students is important because this creates a focus on English in the classroom and gets the students ready to listen to their teacher.

During our research we have singled out a number of types of a phonetic warming up:

  1. Sound pronunciation
  2. Mouth Exercises
  3. Tongue twisters and rhymes
  4. Spelling

We examined different approaches to warming up technique and described the importance of warming up as a part of English lesson. Indeed, teachers must try to avoid boring or over-theoretical or mechanical subjects in class, using as far as possible warm-up exercises they think the students may be interested in, that seem of practical relevance, that may arouse or stimulate them. Sometimes, a simple exercise can do a great deal towards arousing interest among students. However, during the whole English course, most teachers actually only have a teaching new material stage, neglecting the warm-up exercise step, which acts as an important role in arousing students' interest and as the preparation stage for the teaching new material stage.

As a matter of fact, we can say that how well students had done in class depends mostly on how well they had been warmed up. From this point of view, English teachers should start taking concrete measures to reconsider the methodology they can apply in their listening courses and try to improve their teaching of listening from a new approach. We should use some techniques that are effective and interesting in teaching English, thinking as much as possible about the needs of students concerned.

Phonetic warming up helps students to communicate, students learn to watch closely their pronunciation.

During our research we examined a bulk of phonetic exercises which can be used as warming up during the initial stage of a lesson. We pointed out the peculiarities of phonetic warming up and defined its importance in the teaching process.

The hypothesis about the important role of warming up for developing phonetic skills found its approval.

We consider our aim achieved and objectives fully fulfilled.





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