The political views of Mahatma Gandhi

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 30 Ноября 2011 в 19:34, дипломная работа

Описание работы

The initial data necessary during diploma thesis: plan – a task for diploma thesis’s writing, materials obtained during practice session, literature on the theme given.
Units list of the work problems development or annotation of the diploma thesis:
Non-violence for Gandhi - not only a method of resistance, fighting tactics, but the main principle of a holistic worldview, teaching the meaning of life, the basis of socio-political ideal.


1. FORMATION OF A “GREAT SOUL”………………………………………....8
1.1 How the steel was tempered……………………………………………………....8
1.2 African period of Gandhi’s life and creativity…...………………………………..9
1.3 Satyagraha, ahimsa, swadeshi and swaraj as the elements of Gandhi’s teaching.12
2.1 The universal character of Gandhi’s teaching…………………………………...17
2.2 Decentralized democratic political system on Gandhi…………………………..20
2.3 The Gandhian Legacy of Hindu-Muslim Relations……………………………..23
2.4 Mahatma Gandhi’s influence on India’s foreign policy…………………………32
2.5 Gandhian influences on India’s economic policymaking………………………..36
3. Historical destiny of the views of gandhi…………………..42
3.1 Congress of leaders of World and Traditional Religions………………………..42
3.2 Non-violent resistance of Martin Luther King…………………………………..48
CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………..51LIST OF USED LITERATURE…………………………………………………..53

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    Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

    International Educational Corporation

    Kazakh-American University 

«Admitted to defense»

________Dean of General Education and Humanity Studies

            G.M. Kassymova


    Diploma PAPER 

     Theme: “The political views of Mahatma Gandhi”

    Major:  050202 – «International Relations» 

Prepared by:                                                    Y.A. Kabdyzhanov


Scientific supervisor:                         G.U. Orynbayeva                 

    Almaty 2011

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

International Educational Corporation

Kazakh-American University 


    Diploma PAPER 

     Theme: “The political views of Mahatma Gandhi”

    Major:  050202 – «International Relations» 

Prepared by:                                                    Y.A. Kabdyzhanov


Scientific supervisor:                         G.U. Orynbayeva                 

    Almaty 2011



1. FORMATION OF A “GREAT SOUL”………………………………………....8

1.1 How the steel was tempered……………………………………………………....8

1.2 African period of Gandhi’s life and creativity…...………………………………..9

1.3 Satyagraha, ahimsa, swadeshi and swaraj as the elements of Gandhi’s teaching.12 


2.1 The universal character of Gandhi’s teaching…………………………………...17

2.2 Decentralized democratic political system on Gandhi…………………………..20

2.3 The Gandhian Legacy of Hindu-Muslim Relations……………………………..23

2.4 Mahatma Gandhi’s influence on India’s foreign policy…………………………32

2.5 Gandhian influences on India’s economic policymaking………………………..36 

3. Historical destiny of the views of gandhi…………………..42

3.1 Congress of leaders of World and Traditional Religions………………………..42

3.2 Non-violent resistance of Martin Luther King…………………………………..48 

CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………..51LIST OF USED LITERATURE…………………………………………………..53 

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

    International Educational Corporation

    Kazakh-American University 

Department:  General Education and Humanity Studies

Major: 050202 – «International Relations»

Student: Kabdyzhanov Yernar


On diploma thesis: 

Student: Kabdyzhanov Yernar

Diploma thesis theme: “The political views of Mahatma Gandhi” 

The final work submission due is “_______” ___________________2011

The initial data necessary during diploma thesis: plan – a task for diploma thesis’s writing, materials obtained during practice session, literature on the theme given.  

Units list of the work problems development or annotation of the diploma thesis:

  1. Non-violence for Gandhi - not only a method of resistance, fighting tactics, but the main principle of a holistic worldview, teaching the meaning of life, the basis of socio-political ideal.
  2. Gandhi introduced the concept of satyagraha (nonviolent resistance) so as not to confuse his method of passive resistance (Satyagraha - not a tactic, and the conviction is based on respect and love for the enemy, involves the active forms of protest, based on the belief in the divine nature of the soul, a single in all people and inevitably responsive to love).
  3. Impact of Gandhi’s teaching on the contemporary political and economic processes. How his views were ahead of his time. 
  4. Followers of Gandhi. Our President and his political view concerning the ideas of Mahatma Gandhi from the position of politics of the 21-st century.

Recommended list of literature:

  1. M. K. Gandhi “An autobiography or The Story of My Experience with Truth”, Navajivan Trust, 1927
  2. Роллан Ромен «Махатма Ганди», 1924
  3. Ishtiaq Ahmed, D.M. Nachane, Rajiv Sikri, P.N. Mukherji, The Institute of South Asian Studies “The legacy of Gandhi: a 21-st century perspective”, 2008

Task presentation due is     “_______” __________________2011 

Scientific supervisor       G.U. Orynbayeva 

The diploma thesis tasks were received by   Kabdyzhanov Y.A. 


Of working on the Diploma Papers

050202 –  «International Relations»  2010-2011 Academic Year 

Week Dates week wise Content of the Steps to be taken
Week 1 04.02.11-14.02.11 Organizational Briefing of the Contenders and the Academic Supervisors. Working-Out of the Instructions to be followed throughout the implementation.
Week 2-3 14.02.11-26.02.11 Accumulation and Analysis of the related pieces of documentation.
Week 4-5 01.03.11-12.03.11 Completion of the Integrative part of the Thesis inclusive of the Introduction and Conclusion -15%.
Week 6-7 14.03-11-26.03.11 Collection of the material and analytical processing of the pieces of documentation and statistical data on Chapter 1.
Week 8 28.03.11-02.04.11 Completion of the Chapter 1 Stuff – 25%.

Main Content, Analytical part and Conclusion.

Week 9-10 04.04.11-16.04.11 Familiarization with the Institution of the Practical Work-Shop. Analytical exercise of the collected information throughout the Practical Term. Defense and Dressing of the results ending with filling up of the Diary. Handing-in of the Account Report.
Week 11-12 18.04.11-30.04.11 Collection of the material and analytical processing of the pieces of documentation and statistical data on Chapter 3.
Week13-14 03.05.11-14.05.11 Completion of the creation of Chapters 2 and 3 – 40%

Main Content, Analytical part and Conclusion.

Week 15 16.05.11-21.05.11 Probation Defense of the Diploma Papers.
Week 16 23.05.11 -28.05.11 Analytical Consideration and Corrections – 15%. Getting Approval for the defense.

Taking of the approved papers for the expert-opinion – 10%

  06.06.11 – 09.06.11 Defense of the Diploma Papers and Dressing in accordance with the Schedule of the Dean’s Office.

Scientific Supervisor                                              Orynbayeva G.U.

Ministry of the Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

    International Educational Corporation

    Kazakh-American University 

Department: General Educational and Humanity Studies

Major: 050202 « International Relations» 


     Diploma paper was written on the topic of “The political views of Mahatma Gandhi”.

     As the object of study selected an outstanding leader of the national liberation movement of India, a thinker, political and social activist Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.

     Subject matter is the political views. Information base for writing the diploma paper were the works of Russian and foreign scientists and politicians, writers and public figures and of Mahatma Gandhi himself.

     In the research Gandhi was  considered as a person, was figured out how his beliefs, political views, interior installation and worldview influenced to social and political activities, on foreign policy, the subsequent economic strategy of a country and the world at large.

     The research includes such key concepts like Gandhism, non-violent resistance, satyagraha, ahimsa, swadeshi, swaraj, Congress, campaign of noncooperation.

     Diploma paper consists of introduction, the three chapters, of ten subsections, conclusion, the list of used literature, comprising 36 sources. The total volume of diploma paper is 53 pages. 

«_____» _______________________ 2011 

Graduate                  Kabdyzhanov Y.A. 

Scientific  Supervisor           Orynbayeva G.U. 

Министерство  Образования и  Науки Республики Казахстан

Международная Образовательная  Корпорация

Казахско – Американский Уинверситет 

Факультет: Общеобразовательных и Гуманитарных Наук

Специальность: 050202 «Международные отношения» 


     Дипломная работа написана на тему «Политические  взгляды Махатмы Ганди».

     В качестве объекта исследования выбран выдающийся руководитель национально-освободительного движения Индии, мыслитель, политический и общественный деятель Мохандас Карамчанд Ганди.

     Предметом исследования является политические взгляды. Информационной базой для написания  дипломной работы послужили труды  российских и зарубежных учёных и  политиков, писателей и общественных деятелей и самого Махатмы Ганди.

     В работе  Ганди рассмотрен как  личность, выявлено, как его убеждения, политические взгляды, внутренние установки  и мировоззрение повлияли на общественно-политическую деятельность, на внешнюю политику, на последующую экономическую стратегию отдельной страны и мира в целом.

     Исследование  включает такие понятия, как гандизм, ненасильственное сопротивление, сатьяграха, ахимса, свадеши, сварадж, Конгресс, кампания несотрудничества.

      Дипломная работа состоит из введения, трёх глав, десяти подразделов, заключения, списка использованной литературы, включающего 36 источников. Общий объём дипломной  работы 53 страниц. 

«_____»  _______________________2011 

Дипломник        Кабдыжанов Е.А. 

Научный руководитель      Орынбаева Г.У. 

Қазақстан Республикасының  Білім және Ғылым  Министрлігі

Халықаралық Білімберу Корпорациясы

Қазақ – Америка Университеті 

Факультет: Жалпы Білім Беру және Гуманитарлық Ғылымдар факультеті

Мамандық: 050202 «Халықаралық қатынастар» 


     Дипломдық жұмыс «Махатма Гандидың саяси көзқарастары»  тақырыбына жазылған.

     Зерттеу объектісі ретінде Индияның ұлт-азаттық  қозғалысының көрнекті көшбасшысы, ойлаушы, саяси және қоғам қайраткері Мохандас Карамчанд Ганди болып таңдалған.

     Зерттелетін пән саяси көзқарастары болып  табылған. Дипломдық жұмысты жазу үшін Ресей, шетелдік ғалымдар мен саясаткердің, жазушылардың, саяси қайраткерлердің  және Гандидың өзінің еңбектері қолданылған.

     Зерттеу жұмысында Ганди жеке тұлға ретінде  қарастырылған. Оның сенiмiнің, саяси  көзқарастарының, iшкi принциптерінің және дүние көзқарасының бүкіл әлемнiң  және жеке елдің қоғамдық-саяси қызметіне, сыртқы саясатына, келешек экономикалық стратегиясына ықпалы зерттелген.

     Жұмыста гандизм, зорлықсыз іске асырылатын қарсылық, сатьяграха, ахимса, свадеши, сварадж, конгресс, келіспеушілік науқаны сияқты өзекті ұғымдар зерттелген.

Информация о работе The political views of Mahatma Gandhi