Studying other cultures is a good chance to broaden a human’s mind

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 25 Февраля 2012 в 20:34, сочинение

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Most of the problems between nations grow from deep misunderstandings between people, and many of those misunderstandings are rooted in cultural differences. History has shown that when human beings understand a culture, they are less likely to respond in a "knee-jerk" fear-based way to behavior that is not like their own.

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Studying other cultures is a good chance to broaden a human’s mind

It is extremely important to know about other cultures and grows more important every day that passes.

Most of the problems between nations grow from deep misunderstandings between people, and many of those misunderstandings are rooted in cultural differences.  History has shown that when human beings understand a culture, they are less likely to respond in a "knee-jerk" fear-based way to behavior that is not like their own. It is the same as it is with individual people.  When we understand someone's reasons for their behavior we are less likely to take offense.  Today when the nations of the world are so tense that hair-trigger responses are becoming the norm, and when more and more nations have more and more power of destruction, we really need to inject human understanding into the mix!  the BEST way to do that is to try to understand the other cultures of the world.   But now, that is just the imperative reason we should  try to understand them.  The deeper reason is how rich that understanding can make our lives.  Just this morning I saw a news report on BBC about the King of Thailand who is 80 years old.  He has been in frail health and the people of the nation, who love him dearly and respect his wisdom, have been wearing yellow shirts to support him in his struggle with his health.  the reason they chose yellow is because that is the color associated with the King's birthday.  However, it was noted by the people of the nation that he came out of a hospital stay wearing a pink shirt, himself, recently, so now the people are beginning to wear pink shirts to support him.  I really found that story fascinating.  It was so unique to me that they would choose to wear a color of shirt to support someone they respected and cared about so much.  And I love the idea of the people of a nation so loving their ruler, they would find such ways to support him.  It opened my mind to possibilities beyond what I am living at this time in this country.  That is the richness I am talking about.

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