Шпаргалка по "Английскому языку"

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 12 Декабря 2011 в 00:35, шпаргалка

Описание работы

Шпаргалка по "Английскому языку" на тему: "Схема реферирования"

Работа содержит 1 файл

схема реферирования.doc

— 30.50 Кб (Скачать)

Text Analysis (Information Resume) 

    1. Main Text Details
  1. Source of the text
    • The text under discussion is taken from...
    • The text under consideration is published in...
  2. Author

The author of the text is...

  1. Title

The text, given for discussion is published under the title...

  1. Introductory sentence
    • As the title indicates...
    • It is common knowledge that...
    • To begin with I must say...
    • First of all I'd like to remark...
    • It is widely known that…
  1. The main/key notions/terms are…
    1. The Subject Matter and the Problem of the Text

The problem which is touched upon in the text is very topical

The problem of the text is very important/interesting

The subject matter of the text is…

The topic of the text can be formulated as following...

Here the following questions (problems) are discussed (considered)... 

    1. The Composition of the text

The composition of the text consists of... parts (paragraphs).

Compositionally the article can be divided into the following parts... 

    1. Summarizing and Commenting

The article begins with...

The author starts with...

... dwells upon...

... reflects on ...

...focuses the reader's attention on...

...lets the reader realize...

...makes the reader come to the conclusion that...

.. .uncovers the root causes of...

...makes interesting observations about...

.. .confirms this with figures and facts...

...touches on the problem of...

... shares with the readers the conception of...

...pays much attention...

...emphasizes (stresses)...

...sees the problem through the eyes of...

The whole text itself is based on...

It is worth mentioning in this connection...

Furthermore... (What is more...)

As has been mentioned above...

As for this problem...

As far as... is concerned...

It must be added...

On the one hand/on the other hand...


It should be mentioned...

It must be clearly noticed that...

I would like to comment on (upon)...


Compared with...



That is why... 

    1. Drawing a Conclusion - The main idea/message of the article is …

On the whole (in general, generally speaking)...

In reviewing... (to sum this up...)

In conclusion (in summary)...

All things considered...

To make a long story short...(to put this in the nutshell...)

Taking all this into account...

I find this text interesting /important/ topical /bias(s)ed/ignorant...

I do not doubt...

I am sure (confident) that...

I can't deny...

It seems to me that...

I entirely agree that...

I must admit that...

In my opinion (to my mind, to my way of thinking)...

From my point of view...

As I see it...

I have in mind here that...

To me (for myself)...

I'm quite convinced that...

I disagree with the statement that...

I don't think so.

On the contrary...

The problem raised in the text is worth thinking over...

I believe that the text is worth reading.

That brings me to the end of my analysis of the text.

Thank you for attention. 

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