Nogai Horde

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 27 Октября 2011 в 07:07, реферат

Описание работы

This essay is about Nogai Horde. Nogai Horde – the State which has arisen after disintegration of Golden Horde and easing of the White Horde in the northwest of Kazakhstan. It occupied territory between Volga and Jaika. State capital was the city the Saraichik on the river Jaik. The founder – Edige the khan.


I. Introduction: How did Nogai Horde appear?
The State which has arisen after disintegration of Golden Horde and easing of the White Horde.
II. Main part:
1). How did ethnonim “nogai” appear? Ethnonim "Nogai" occurs on behalf of the leader of an army of the Gold horde.
2). What did the social system consist from?
The ranks of leaders: “Khan”, “murza”, etc.
3). Political history.
Connection Nogai’s history with other tribes.
III). Conclusion: Collapsing of powerful state.

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