New Zealand

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 17 Февраля 2013 в 18:56, реферат

Описание работы

Where is New Zealand?
New Zealand is a country in Southwestern Oceania, southeast of Australia in
the South Pacific Ocean, with two large islands (North and South Island), one
smaller island (Stewart Island), and numerous much smaller islands. New
Zealand has a total land area of 268,670 sq km and a coastline of 15,134 km.


New Zealand.. 2
Landscape.. 2
Demography.. 4
Politics. 4
History.. 6
Economy.. 8
Life in General. 9
North Island.. 12
South Island.. 14

Работа содержит 1 файл

Реферат на тему Нова Зеландія з картою Microsoft Office Word.docx

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