Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 14 Декабря 2011 в 20:15, реферат
Окончив университет (я непременно его закончу), я получу специальность – инженер по автомобильному транспорту. Вообще на третьем курсе факультет автомобильного транспорта предлагает на выбор три специальности: автомобильный транспорт, перевозки и безопасность движения.
Моя специальность
университет (я непременно его закончу),
я получу специальность – инженер
по автомобильному транспорту. Вообще
на третьем курсе факультет
My speciality
Having graduated
from the university (Of course I will finish), I will receive a speciality
– the engineer on motor transport. As a rule on a third year
the motor transport faculty offers three specialities on a choice: motor
transport, transportations and traffic safety. I can not tell anything
unpleasant about two other directions, but I have decided to go to study
as the engineer of motor transport because this speciality in our days
of technological progress has a wide profile, that is why rather popular
and very claimed, besides the condition and development of a motor transport
have exclusive mean for the Russian Federation, after all along
with other infrastructural branches, provides base conditions of a society's
ability to live, being the important tool of achievement of the social,
economic, foreign policy purposes, after all transport - not only the
branch moving cargoes and helping people to reach the big distances
quickly, and first of all, interbranch system that reformative
the ability to live and managing conditions, accruing auto mobilization
of the country demands the system measures directed on restriction of
its negative consequences for a society, at the greatest possible realization
of its advantages and benefits, and more then that since my childhood
I am interested in cars and everything that is connected with them.
Auto mechanics make maintenance service and car repairs, and we are
engineers - we create soil for their work: we provide a auto depot (garage)
of the organization with necessary specifications, documents, materials,
the equipment; we participate in works on research, working out of projects
and programs of a auto depot (garage) of the organization in carrying
out of the actions connected with tests of the equipment and its introduction
in operation, and also in performance of works on standardization of
means, systems, processes, the equipment and materials, in engineering
specifications consideration; we prepare reviews, responses, the conclusions
concerning performed work; we study and analyze the information, specifications,
indicators and results of work, we generalize and we systematize them,
we carry out calculations using modern means. The person working on
a speciality the engineer of motor transport, should be physically strong,
hardy, have a good sight and coordination of movements, should know
prospects of technical development and features of activity of a auto
depot of the organization, work principles, technical characteristics,
design features of cars, for example, as running axles are set in motion
at turn of the ignition key, a rule of functioning ABS (antiblocking
system) and BS (blocking system), the device of the engine and their
kinds; rules and conditions of performance of works on repair and service
of cars, their maintenances on a motor depot (in garage) the organizations
and many other things. I will search my future job undoubtedly on a
speciality. The ideal variant for me is will be gave a job on any major
concern, for example Nissan, Peugeot, Mazda, Mercedes or another place
where I can show and realize all my knowledge received at university
on my speciality, or, as a variant, I can receive the second higher
economic education, and having received it could take the credit in
bank and open the motor show, shop of auto spare parts or an automobile
Слово | Транскрипция | Перевод |
accessories | [ək'sesərɪs] | принадлежности |
achievement | [ə'tʃi:vmənt] | достижение, завоевание |
advantage | [əd'vɑ:ntɪdʒ] | преимущество, достоинство |
air vent | [eə vent] | вентиляционное отверстие |
analyze | ['ænəlaɪz] | анализировать |
antiblocking system | [̗'æntɪblɒkɪŋ 'sɪstəm] | антиблокировачная система |
auto depot | ['ɔ:təυ 'depəυ] | автобаза |
auto mobilization | [̗'ɔ:təυ məυbəlaɪ'zeɪʃn] | автомобилизация |
automobile workshop | ['ɔ:təməbi:l 'wɜ:kʃɒp] | автомастерская |
axle | ['æksǝl] | ось |
blocking system | [̗blɒkɪŋ 'sɪstəm] | блокировочная система |
body | ['bɒdɪ] | кузов |
brakes | [breɪk] | тормоза |
calculation | [̗kælkjυ'leɪʃn] | вычисление |
chassis | ['ʃæsɪ] | шасси |
clutch | [klʌtʃ] | сцепление |
combustion chamber | [kəm'bʌstʃǝn 'tʃeɪmbə] | камера сгорания |
compression | [kəm'preʃn] | сжатие, сдавливание |
concern | [kən'sɜ:n] | концерн |
conclusion | [kən'klu:ʒn] | исход, результат |
condition | [kən'dɪʃn] | Состояние, положение |
consequence | ['kɒnsɪkwəns] | последствие |
coordination of movements | [kəυ̗ɔ:dɪ'neɪʃn ɒv 'mu:vmənts] | координация движений |
cylinder | ['sɪlɪndə] | цилиндр |
development | [dɪ'veləpmənt] | развитие |
diesel | ['di:zǝl] | дизель |
door handle | [̗dɔ: 'hændl] | дверная ручка |
to drive | [draɪv] | управлять, вести (автомобиль) |
education | [̗edjυ'keɪʃn] | образование |
emergency brake | [ɪ'mɜ:dʒǝnsɪ breɪk] | экстренный (запасной) тормоз |
engine | ['endʒɪn] | двигатель |
equipment | [ɪ'kwɪpmənt] | оборудование |
exhaust | [ɪɡ'zɔ:st] | выхлоп |
final drive | ['faɪnl draɪv] | последняя передача |
framework | ['freɪmwɜ:k] | рама |
fuel | [fju:əl] | топливо, горючее |
gasoline | ['ɡæsəli:n] | бензин |
gear box | ['ɡɪə bɒks] | коробка передач |
generalize | ['dʒenrəlaɪz] | обобщать |
handbrake | ['hændbreɪk] | ручной тормоз |
hardy | ['hɑ:dɪ] | выносливый |
heater | ['hi:tə] | обогреватель |
ignition key | [ɪɡ'nɪʃn ki:]] | ключ зажигания |
indicators | ['ɪndɪkeɪtə] | указания |
infrastructural | ['ɪnfrə̗strʌktʃəl] | инфраструктурный |
injection pump | [ɪn'dʒekʃn pʌmp]] | топливный насос |
injector | [ɪn'dʒektə] | инжектор |
intake | ['ɪnteɪk] | впуск |
interbranch | [ɪn'tɜ: brɑ:ntʃ] | межотраслевой |
introduction | [̗ɪntrə'dʌkʃn] | введение, внесение |
knowledge | ['nɒlɪdʒ] | знание, познание |
lights | [laɪts] | освещение |
liquid | ['lɪkwɪd] | жидкость |
lubrication | [̗lu:brɪ'keɪʃn] | смазка |
maintenances | ['meɪntǝnəns] | поддержка |
major | ['meɪdʒə] | большой |
motor show | ['məυtə ʃəυ] | автосалон |
motor transport | ['məυtə 'trænspɔ:t] | автомобильный транспорт |
performance | [pə'fɔ:məns] | исполнение, выполнение |
piston | ['pɪstǝn] | поршень |
plug | [plʌɡ] | пробка, затычка |
power plant | ['paυ əplɑ:nt] | силовая установка |
power train | ['paυ treɪn] | система передач мощности |
principle | ['prɪnsəpl] | принцип |
process | ['prəυses] | процесс |
radiator | ['reɪdɪeɪtə] | радиатор |
reformative | [rɪ'fɔ:mətɪv] | реформирующий, преобразующий |
response | [rɪ'spɒns] | ответ, отклик |
restriction | [rɪ'strɪkʃn] | ограничение |
rev counter | [rev 'kaυntə] | панель оборотов двигателя |
review | [rɪ'vju:] | обозревать, осматривать |
rotate | [rəυ'teɪt] | вращаться |
sedan | [sɪ'dæn] | седан (тип кузова) |
self-propelled | [̗selfprə'peld, -'pelɪŋ] | самоходный |
shaft | [ʃɑ:ft] | вал |
shop of auto spare parts | [ʃɒp ɒv 'ɔ:təυ speə pɑ:t ] | магазин автозапчастей |
sight | [saɪt] | зрение |
spark plug | ['spɑ:kplʌɡ] | свеча |
speciality | [̗speʃɪ'ælətɪ] | специальность |
specification | [̗spesəfɪ'keɪʃn] | спецификация, детализация |
spring | [sprɪŋ] | рессора |
car | [kɑ:] | автомобиль |
standardization | [̗stændədaɪ'zeɪʃn] | стандартизация |
steer | [stɪə] | управлять |
storage battery | ['stɔ:rɪdʒ̗bætrɪ] | аккумуляторная батарея |
stroke | [strəυk] | ход поршня |
support | [sə'pɔ:t] | поддержка |
suspension | [sə'spenʃn] | приостановка, прекращение |
systematize | ['sɪstəmətaɪz] | систематизировать |
tool | [tu:l] | орудие, инструмент |
traffic safety | ['træfɪk ' seɪftɪ]] | безопасное движение |
transmission | [trænz'mɪʃn] | трансмиссия, передача |
transport | ['trænspɔ:t] | транспорт |
transportations | [̗trænspɔ:'teɪʃn] | перевозки |
undoubtedly | [ʌn'daυtɪd] | бесспорно, несомненно |
unpleasant | [ʌn'pleznt] | неприятный, отталкивающий |
valve | [vælv] | клапан |
vehicle | ['vi:ɪkl] | средство для перевозки |
wheel | [wi:l] | руль |
wing mirror | [wɪŋ 'mɪrə] | боковое зеркало |