Моя будущая профессия менеджер

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 19 Декабря 2011 в 21:05, сочинение

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Certainly, to become successful PR - the manager, it is necessary to pass all steps: from the trainee to the partner in business, but it is impossible without formation. Therefore my plan number 1 is reception of degree of the bachelor, then the master. It will be the reliable base of my future career of the PR-manager.

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One of important elections in life of each person - a trade choice. And here I the student of the Volgograd State Technical University, Economy and Management faculty. Our faculty one of the most numerous. Here train in such demanded specialities as the economist and management upon termination of which the academic degree of the bachelor on which base the further preparation on специалитете on 6 specialities "World economy", «Anti-recessionary management","Applied computer science (in the field of economy)","organization Management», "Advertising", «Economy and management at the enterprises (the chemical industry)) and in a magistracy on 11 магистерским to programs (« the International economy "," Application of mathematical methods in economy "," the Economy of firm and the branch markets "," firm Economy "," Anti-recessionary management "," Innovative management "," Marketing "," Management of investment projects "," Strategic management "," Management of development of technologies in the organizations "," Organizational designing ») is conducted is appropriated. 
Economists and managers study not only economic sciences, but also engineering, for example such as designing, descriptive geometry and other engineering science. Chemistry and physics are studied by students which the Economy and management at the enterprise (the chemical industry) "have chosen for itself a direction". 
The basic sciences both for economists, and for managers are accounting and audit, the economic theory, the organization theory, marketing, statistics, advertizing and others. 
As to me, I have chosen a direction the manager, I study such sciences, as higher mathematics, management, English language, the organization theory, макро and micro-economics, computer science, business dialogue and others. 
On the most part of pairs I go with pleasure, therefore to choose the most interesting difficultly, but nevertheless it is such subjects as business dialogue, cultural science, management, English language and advertizing. These subjects are interesting to me likely because I the present humanist and as because they are conducted by the good teachers formed and interesting people. One of the most hated subjects for me is the higher mathematics. 
On each of subjects and us pass classes discussions (seminars). The Most interesting are seminars on business dialogue and management. On them we at 
We know much about the one who such manager, what its duties, it should possess what professional skills, it should possess what character traits etc. As our group visits the conference especially interesting to me there was a conference devoted to advertizing, our group took in it part and has spent excellent protection of the project. It would be desirable to participate is more often in such actions as they very much help in to strengthen our knowledge and to learn something new.

The PR-manager or the manager on public relations – a trade rather new to Russia, fashionable and fascinating. It including has carried away me. 
PR-management — managerial process in sphere of the public relations, directed on maintenance of favorable environment of development of the organization, and also on creation of internal corporate atmosphere. 
Activity of the PR-manager is directed on creation of a favorable image as firms as a whole, and a separate trade mark, unlike activity of the expert in advertizing, whose work is an advancement of the goods and services for the purpose of increase in purchases.Специалисты PR today own not only technics of communications (abilities to write, edit, place article to make printing and video data), but also are managers. Universal quality for the PR-manager - skill to communicate. Such expert should possess set of communications and contacts in various branches, and also to be able to adjust new at any level. The second moment is a proactivity. The PR-manager should understand, where with whom and about what it is necessary to communicate, on what important meetings to be present, act with reports and presentations. And the main thing - to understand, what for and for what all it is necessary. Also self-trust and presentableness are, of course, very important. After all the PR-manager represents the face of the company, therefore its statements should sound confidently and to be convincing. As PR-mendzher should possess such character traits as a resistance to stress, flexibility, tolerance. 
In most cases the manager is a key link, first of all, in dialogue with the client. It - a point of daily contact for head PR or a marketing direction from the client, the employee capable most in details to tell about a current state of affairs to depict prospects and to report for the done work. 
As a whole on the manager great volume of work on coordination of efforts of the experts, the senior employees-experts of agency, representatives of the client lies. On it depends, how much these efforts will have an identical vector so that the positive result has been reached as much as possible effectively. 
Besides, the manager plays a dominant role in the course of preparation of offers for potential clients of the company. 
Typical functions of the PR-expert: 
PR-strategy working out; 
Writing of articles, press releases, advertizing-information materials, preparation of a content for a company site; 
Working out and carrying out advertizing and PR-campaigns; 
The organization of press conferences, participation in exhibitions; 
Coordination of release of polygraphic and souvenir production; 
The analysis of efficiency of spent PR-campaigns; 
Formation of the budget of PR-campaign.

Certainly, to become successful PR - the manager, it is necessary to pass all steps: from the trainee to the partner in business, but it is impossible without formation. Therefore my plan number 1 is reception of degree of the bachelor, then the master. It will be the reliable base of my future career of the PR-manager. 

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