Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 23 Августа 2011 в 11:19, реферат
Extracting value at every step Kazakhmys is responsible for 90% of all copper produced in Kazakhstan. We also produce and sell significant quantities of zinc, silver and gold as by-products. Our integrated structure, owning and managing everything from mining to production, has helped make us one of the world's most flexible and lowest-cost copper producers.
Mining & concentrating
Extracting value at every step Kazakhmys is responsible for 90% of all copper produced in Kazakhstan. We also produce and sell significant quantities of zinc, silver and gold as by-products. Our integrated structure, owning and managing everything from mining to production, has helped make us one of the world's most flexible and lowest-cost copper producers.
Hover on the highlighted areas to see more details
Managing three regions
Kazakhmys operates mines and concentrators in three regions:
Focused on copper
In 2010, we mined 32.9 million tonnes of copper ore, with an average grade (copper content) of 1.09%. We crush the ore in several stages and treat it in one of our ten concentrators. The concentrate then passes to our smelting and refining team for processing through to finished metal.
Producing valuable by-products
Alongside copper,
our ore contains other metals. We produce significant quantities of
zinc, silver and gold as by-products. The mix of by-products varies
between mines.
Smelting & refining
Refining our resources
As a fully integrated group, we own and manage every step of our smelting and refining operations.
Zhezkazgan Region smelter/electro refinery:
Zhezkazgan Region copper rod plant:
Central Region smelter/electro refinery:
Central Region precious metals refinery:
Powering our business and Kazakhstan
Kazakhmys is the largest power producer in Kazakhstan, managing over 20% of domestic market, including the supple to well as supplying our operations and surrounding communities. We also own 50% of Kazakhstan's largest power station, Ekibastuz GRES-1, as well as three captive power plants.
Key developments
We have begun
a $1 billion investment programme at Ekibastuz which will increase capacity
from the current 2,500 MW to 4,000 MW, while also reducing emissions.
Auxiliary services
Supporting our operations
From engineering and construction teams to rail and road networks, we run many of our own support services. We have the flexibility to respond to opportunities and demands as they arise, and reduce the risk of external interruptions.
Transporting by rail and road
We transport most of our raw materials and products by our own rail network. The network links to Kazakhstan’s main national rail trunk line and comprises around 1,100 km of railway infrastructure, over 100 locomotives and 800 wagons. Our road haulage fleets operate mainly in the East and Central Regions, where there are fewer railroads.
Launching new ventures
To help secure reliable supplies, we have created joint ventures with companies in our region. These include:
Construction and maintenance
In addition to
our own operations, we help construct and maintain social facilities
such as schools, hospitals, roads and infrastructure. Our work in these
areas reflects our commitment to supporting local communities.
Copper process
Kazakhmys operates 17 mines. Most are underground while some are open pit. The mines generally contain ‘sulphide ores’ and by-products that vary between mines. The main by-products are zinc, silver and gold. Each step in the process focuses on removing increasing amounts of unwanted materials, turning sulphide ore into finished metals.
At Kazakhmys, we focus on copper production and power. However, we also have operations in two other areas:
In 2007, we acquired the petroleum exploration rights to the East Akzhar Exploration Block. We are currently developing four deep wells, with two more planned for 2011. Read more
Kazakhmys currently
owns MKM: an organisation that produces refined copper products, and
manufactures and sells various pre-finished and semi-finished copper
and copper alloy products.
Our operations in Kazakhstan mean we are ideally positioned to enjoy the growth opportunities of Central Asia, serve many of the world's largest markets and respond to customer demand. As a land rich in natural resources, strong transport links and substantial foreign investment, Kazakhstan provides us with every opportunity to grow.
Kazakhstan is the ninth-largest country in the world and the second-largest country in the former Soviet Union. Since 1991, structural reforms have advanced its economy. This has led to stable year-on-year growth, over $120 billion of foreign direct investment, and the prestige of becoming the first former Soviet Union country to receive an investment-grade credit rating.
With over 61,000 employees and annual revenues representing over 2% of Kazakhstan's gross domestic product, Kazakhmys is among the country's largest and most influential companies. We are also one of Kazakhstan's biggest tax payers and a mainstay of the country's economy.
Kazakhmys has
a central role in bringing new life to the Silk Route: an ancient network
of trade routes stretching across Asia to the Mediterranean, Europe
and Africa. Our transport operations closely follow the Silk Route,
transporting our products throughout the region and beyond.
из газетной статьи
Мы должны и будем бороться за повышение конкурентоспособности горно-металлургической отрасли Казахстана - К.Масимов
Во вторник 5 июля
в Акорде Президент РК Нурсултан Назарбаев
принял присягу государственных и политических
деятелей. Так, присягу народу и Президенту
страны принесли Генеральный прокурор
РК Асхат Даулбаев, министры: иностранных
дел - Ержан Казыханов,
внутренних дел - Калмухамбет Касымов,
сельского хозяйства - Асылжан Мамытбеков,
связи и информации - Аскар Жумагалиев,
по делам экономической интеграции - Жанар
Айтжанова, образования и науки - Бахытжан
Жумагулов, транспорта и коммуникаций
- Берик Камалиев, туризма и спорта - Талгат
Ермегияев, здравоохранения - Салидат
Каирбекова, председатель Агентства по
делам государственной службы - Алихан
Байменов, директор службы внешней разведки
Аманжол Жанкулиев, акимы: Акмолинской
области - Сергей Дьяченко, Алматинской
- Анзар Мусаханов, Жамбылской - Канат Бозумбаев.
Глава государства поздравил государственных и политических деятелей с принесением присяги и отметил, что присяга всегда - у любых народов, у любых поколений являлась святым делом, особенно у казахов.
«Я хочу, чтобы все государственные службы помнили каждый день каждое слово, содержащееся в присяге, тогда государственный служащий будет ближе к простому человеку, у него не будет чванства, верхоглядства, он постарается вникнуть в просьбу, нужду каждого человека», - добавил Н.Назарбаев.
На этой неделе 4-5 июля в Астане прошел второй горно-металлургический конгресс AMM - 2011. В представительном форуме приняли участие делегаты из 25 стран мира, это Казахстан, Узбекистан, США, Великобритания, Украина, Турция, ОАЭ, Швейцария, Словакия, Испания, Россия, Латвия, Кыргызстан, Япония, Италия, Германия, Франция, Чехия, Китай, Канада, Беларусь, Австрия, Корея, Индия, ЮАР. Всего в форуме приняли участие 1 300 человек. В рамках конгресса было подписано шесть ключевых меморандумов по сотрудничеству в области горно-металлургического сектора.
Открывая работу форума, Премьер-Министр РК Карим Масимов пообещал, что Правительство будет бороться за конкурентоспособность горно-металлургической отрасли Казахстана.
«Мы ясно понимаем, что новые инвестиции в горно-металлургический комплекс - это высоко рисковое, капиталоемкое и долгосрочное мероприятие, но мы должны и будем бороться за повышение его конкурентоспособности. Я уверен, что проведение настоящего форума послужит продолжением диалога, выработки предложений по решению проблем отрасли», - сказал К.Масимов.