Контрольная по английскому языку

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 03 Сентября 2012 в 14:20, контрольная работа

Описание работы

Laser, one of the most sophisticated inventions of man, produces an intensive light beam of a very pure single colour. One of the mankind's oldest dreams of technology to provide a light beam intensive enough to vaporize the hardest and most heat-resistant materials came true. Laser can indeed make lead run like water, or, when focused, it can vaporize any substance on earth. Laser is becoming one of the main technological tools nowadays.
The applications of laser in industry and science are so many and so varied as to suggest magic. Scientists in many countries are working at a very interesting problem: combining the two big technological discoveries of the second half of the 20-th century: laser and thermonuclear reaction, to produce a practically inexhaustible source of energy. There also exists an idea to use laser for solving the problem of controlled thermonuclear reaction.