Эффективные способы обучения иностранному языку для детей

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 03 Апреля 2013 в 14:26, реферат

Описание работы

Researches of methods of teaching have show, that all named problems will effectively solved, if we apply elaborations of various innovators for amplification of a traditional technique of teaching that can increase essentially quality of teaching foreign (in particular English) language. Imperfection of the existing approach to teaching foreign language in the high school, which is focused only on communicative purposes to the detriment of such kinds of language activity as reading and the writing, that has led to the low level of knowing a foreign language of graduates of secondary school.
The purpose of this work was to discover the most effective ways of teaching a foreign language to children.


Chapter I. Theoretical aspect of effective methods of teaching
1.1 The bases of teaching a foreign language
1.2. Effective ways and techniques of teaching a foreign language
1.2.1 Constructivist teaching strategies
1.2.2 Communicative Teaching Method
1.2.3 Using project method in teaching a foreign language
1.2.4 The method of debates
1.2.5 Games
1.2.6 Role play as a method of teaching
Chapter II. Practical aspect of ways of teaching