International standarts of customs control

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 13 Марта 2012 в 02:43, реферат

Описание работы

All goods, including vehicles imported into the customs territory or leaving it, regardless of whether they are subject to customs duties and taxes are subject to customs control. Customs control shall be limited to the minimum necessary to ensure compliance with customs legislation.

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International standarts of customs control


All goods, including vehicles imported into the customs territory or leaving it, regardless of whether they are subject to customs duties and taxes are subject to customs control. Customs control shall be limited to the minimum necessary to ensure compliance with customs legislation.

In the application of customs control Customs Service uses a system of risk management. The Customs Service uses risk analysis to determine which persons and goods, including vehicles to be inspected and the extent of the examination. The Customs Service shall strategy based on a system of measures assessing the probability of non-compliance, in order to support the risk management system.

The system of customs control includes control methods based on our audit. 
The Customs Service strives for cooperation with other customs and agreements on mutual assistance in order to improve customs controls. The Customs Service seeks to work with the participants of foreign trade and a memorandum of understanding in order to improve customs controls.

Customs Service, where possible, using information technologies and electronic communications to improve customs controls. The Customs Service estimates of the electronic communications of participants of foreign trade, used to carry out customs procedures, in order to establish their compatibility with the requirements of Customs.



Risk Management System (RMS)

Система управления рисками СУР

method of audit

Метод аудита

risk analysis

Метод анализа рисков

Memorandum of Understanding

Меморандум о взаимопонимании

means of electronic communications

Средства электронных коммуникаций



Customs control

Таможенный контроль

Customs Service

Таможенная служба



Информация о работе International standarts of customs control