Function of Financial Management

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 23 Января 2012 в 23:17, реферат

Описание работы

Ever since 1494 when a monk of Italian origin, Lucas Pacioli wrote the first book on modern accounting, financial management has grown to become the key to corporate growth. Financial management can be simply termed as efficient management of finances of a business/organization in order to achieve financial objectives


Part 1. Financial Management terms.……………………………………5
1.1 Financial Management objectives………………………………..6
Part 2. Functions of Financial Management……………………………...7
2.1. The investment decision……………………………………9
2.2 The financing decision………………………………….....13
2.3. The dividend decision……………………………………..14
Appendix №1 CD-RW
Appendix №2 Report

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