Endangered Species

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 17 Сентября 2011 в 17:22, доклад

Описание работы

Hello! My name is Uliana. Topic of my presentation is Endangered Species. And I will tell you about the Big Panda. I choose this animal because it is very nice and amusing animal.

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                   Endangered Species. 

Hello! My name is Uliana. Topic of my presentation is Endangered Species. And I will tell you about the Big Panda. I choose this animal because it is very nice and amusing animal. 

The big panda concerns family of bears. This mammal comes from the central China, therefore from the XX-th century middle became an original symbol of this country. A habitat of a panda is mountain regions Tibet and Sichuan. Usually big panda reaches the sizes from 1,2 to 1,5 meters and weighs from 30 to 160kg. Difference of a panda from other bears is the long tail. Its body see covers dense white fur which passes to feet in the black. Besides, the black fur is round eyes, forming so-called "sun glasses". On thick and short hinder legs there are very sharp claws, and on the basis of fingers and on a sole naked small pillows. The panda has an unusual structure of a paw: it consists of five usual fingers and a modified bone of a wrist which name "thumb". Panda is omnivorous. Panda is predatory animal, but it eats a bamboo in most cases. Panda eats near 30kg in a day. However its diet includes some insects and eggs also. The fiber is necessary for organism. Long time Scientists could not define what class panda is carry. Panda has sine as raccoons as bears. However scientists have proved that relatives of the big panda are bears. The big panda is a disappearing kind; it is connected with reduction of population and low degree of birth rate. According to scientists, an individual of this kind in the wild nature remains a little – only 1600.

In China, for example, for its murder punishment in the form of the death penalty is provided. It is brought in the red book and under protection.

Thank you for attention. If you have any questions you are welcome!

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