service of the Chinese national Republic»
- The customs of
China is the state agency which is engaged in management and supervision
over arrival and departure of people and the goods from customs territory
of the Chinese national Republic.
- The system of the Chinese
customs service consists of three levels:
- The main customs administration (also includes the subordinated divisions:
Customs administration Guandonga, department of Customs administration
in Tjandzhine, department of Customs administration in Shanghai);
- 41 regional customs offices;
- 313 customs.
- In addition, the customs
service of China has 2 customs schools located in Shanghai and Kuinhuandao.
- The customs of China
has the international offices in Brusselle, Moscow, Washington.
- Customs service of
China, having staff from above 48000 persons, provides effective customs
control in 247 ports.
- The main customs administration
is the supreme body of management of the Chinese customs and has in
the Government of China ministry level.
- The customs service
of China carries out the activity according to principles of safety
of the state, national economy and management preservation by social
development on the basis of vocational training.
- The customs service
of China is allocated by following powers:
- To supervise arriving and decreasing vehicles, the goods, personal
things, mail;
- To raise the customs duties and taxes;
- To struggle with contraband;
- To conduct the customs statistics;
- To operate other customs affairs.
Head of customs
& assistants
- The first assistant
to the head of customs:
Bin Lu
- The second assistant
to the head of customs:
Vangsong On
- The head of customs:
- Other information you
can find on the website of China Customs: