Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 27 Октября 2011 в 22:52, реферат

Описание работы

The paper is written on the basis works by Donald Light, Suzanne Keller, Craig Calhoun, “Readings And Review For Sociology”, Fifth Edition, prepared by Theodore C. Wagenaar, and Richard T. Schaefer, “Sociology”.
As the title implies the paper gives the definition to political system. It is reported political system is one of the subsystem of society, and play sufficient role in our life. The paper deals with the power and its types.


TYPES OF AUTHORITY…………………………………………………………6
Traditional Authority………………………………………………………………6
Legal-Rational Authority…………………………………………………………..7
Charismatic Authority……………………………………………………………...7
TYPES OF GOVERNMENT………………………………………………………9
Dictatorship and Totalitarianism……………………………………………….…10

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justify">      Seymour Martin Upset, among other sociologists, has attempted to identify the factors which may help to bring about democratic forms of government. He argues that a high level of economic development encourages both stability and democracy. Upset reached this conclusion after studying 50 nations and finding a high correlation between economic development and certain forms of government.

Why should there be such a link? In a society with a high level of development, the population generally tends to be urbanized and literate and is better equipped to participate in decision making and make the views of its members heard. In addition, as Upset suggests, a relatively affluent society will be comparatively free from demands on government by low-income citizens. Poor people in such nations can reasonably aspire to upward mobility. Therefore, along with the large middle class typically found in industrial societies, the poorer segments of society may have a stake in economic and political stability. 


  1. Donald Light, Suzanne Keller, Craig Calhoun, “Readings And Review For Sociology”, Fifth Edition, prepared by Theodore C. Wagenaar, New York, 1989.
  2. Richard T. Schaefer, “Sociology”, Western Illinois University, 1989

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