Borodino: it’s been 200 years

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 01 Октября 2012 в 22:58, практическая работа

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Приложение  № 7

1. One of the greatest Russian general M. I. Kutuzov was born in 1745 in St. Petersburg.  He was an excellent pupil and got a perfect education. Kutuzov was good at Maths and knew many foreign languages. When he became an officer he took part in many battles. He was a sociable, brave, creative and honest officer. Kutuzov believed in Russian soldiers and taught them the art of winning. When Kutuzov was 45 years old he became a general. During the war of 1812 he fought a lot of battles and won practically all of them. Thanks to Kutuzov’s wise and flexible strategy, the Russian Army won a brilliant victory over a strong and experienced enemy. On December 6, 1812, Kutuzov was given the title prince of Smolensk, and on December 12, 1812, he was awarded the highest military order, the Order of George First Class. Kutuzov was buried in the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburgh.


2. Another famous general of the Russian army was prince Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration. He was born in 1765 in a noble George family. Bagration entered the Russian army in 1782 and served in some wars. He had a big military experience. In 1812 Bagration commanded the 2nd army of the West, and led the left wing at the Battle of Borodino (7 September 1812), where he received a mortal wound. He died on 24 September, in the village of Simi, which belonged to his aunt.


3. Denis Vasil’evich Davydov  took part in the battle of Borodino . He was born on July 16 (27), 1784 in Moscow in a family of the military dvorianstvo . Davydov served in the army from 1801 in the cavalry and from 1804 in the hussars. He was a military writer and poet, lieutenant general . At the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812 he commanded a battalion of the Akhtyrka Hussar Regiment. In August 1812 he suggested to the Russian command that partisan action be organized in the rear of the Napoleonic army. He successfully commanded a detachment of hussars and cossacks in the rear of the enemy. Russian people admire him for his hussar bravery and like his poetry.



              Процесс изучения лексики при помощи экскурса в историю происходил при весьма живом интересе со стороны детей, которые проявили большую инициативу, участвуя в различных игровых моментах. Ученики увеличили объём знаний о героических страницах Российской истории, об известных людях России; расширили словарный запас, способность извлекать и логически излагать необходимую информацию.

           Урок позволил расширить эрудированность учащихся, расширил кругозор. Разнообразные вопросы, творческие задания, стихи, загадки помогают оживить учебный процесс, активизировать умственную деятельность девятиклассников.

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