
Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 17 Февраля 2013 в 13:38, сочинение

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The building of the Admiralty - a complex of buildings on the banks of the Neva River, where the former head of the Russian Empire, the Admiralty, and from 2012, is the General Staff of the Russian Navy. Located on the 2nd Admiralty Island in St. Petersburg. Significant monument of Russian classicism.
Boat on the spire of the building is regarded as one of the symbols of the city along with the Bronze Horseman and the contours of the diluted Palace bridge against Peter and Paul Cathedral.

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 The building of the Admiralty - a complex of buildings on the banks of the Neva River, where the former head of the Russian Empire, the Admiralty, and from 2012, is the General Staff of the Russian Navy. Located on the 2nd Admiralty Island in St. Petersburg. Significant monument of Russian classicism.

Boat on the spire of the building is regarded as one of the symbols of the city along with the Bronze Horseman and the contours of the diluted Palace bridge against Peter and Paul Cathedral.

Initially, St. Petersburg Admiralty Shipyard built as the drawings, signed by Peter I.

St. Petersburg Admiralty was laid 16 (5) in November 1704, this remained the following entry:

Laid the Admiralty building and having fun and enjoying themselves in the osteria, 200 yards, width of 10 yards.

Preparatory work was completed in record time, and in early 1705 the shipyards were built the main building and ellinngah laid the first ships.

  During the war it was necessary to protect the yard, so in 1706 the Admiralty was a fortress. It was fenced earthen wall with five earthen ramparts. On the perimeter ditches were dug, filled with water, mound glacis and esplanade - a large meadow area to review the fire in the event of a sudden attack of the enemy. The first building was realized with the dominant vertical metal spike. Free space from the buildings stretched to modern Malaya Morskaya Street.

May 10 (April 29) in 1706, the first descent ship on the water - was built Pram with 18 guns. By 1715 in this subdivision Admiralty orders were about ten thousand people. While the Admiralty was a daub and wattle storey structure, located in a highly elongated letter "P" as disclosed in the river Neva. The building housed the warehouses, workshops, forges, and services Admiralty Office. The yard was busy slipways for building sailing ships on the perimeter of the yard was the inner channel.

Channel around the Admiralty wore not only a defensive function, but also the transport - it was delivered by timber from New Holland and other construction materials. He was integrated into the city's canal network, connecting to the Admiralty channel. The canal was filled in 1817.

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