Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 03 Мая 2013 в 19:53, курсовая работа
After successful political revolution, and then after a victory in a Civil War V.I.Lenin and his companions have faced a problem of absence of real program of economic reforms. It was extremely clear that the economic model of “military communism”, dominating in 1918-1920, played passing role and has become obsolete, in relation to what followed the call of the transition from requisitioning to the food tax. At all importance of similar economic maneuver more complex and detailed program of economic transformations during this period was necessary.
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Sokolnikov persistently supported the organization of joint trading societies with participation of the foreign capital, for expansion of the rights of trusts and granting of exit possibility by it on the world market under control of Narkomvneshtorg. The matter is that to autumn of 1922 it became clear that the country foreign trade turnover has considerably lagged behind the general rates of economic lifting. In the first half of the year 1922 export cost made no more than 3 % from level of 1913, thus import cost ten times surpassed export cost. It spoke that on industry restoration it was necessary to buy more and more abroad raw materials and the equipment. It was possible to expand import only at the expense of export growth, say, surpluses of agricultural production. But purchasing device Narkomvneshtorga was slow and inexperienced, and money for purchases of products at peasants the state allocated a little. Sokolnikov tried to achieve the permission to time liberalization of import and export for peasants and the enterprises (trusts) for separate categories of the goods. V.I.Lenin has acted sharply against easing of monopoly of foreign trade, being afraid ostensibly of a contraband toast. Actually the government was afraid of that manufacturers, having acquired the right of a free exit to the world market, will feel the independence of the state and again will start to struggle against this power. Proceeding from it, the country leaders in every way tried not to admit foreign trade demonopolization.
And still there is a revival of the market economy, freeing her from the shackles of "war communism" that contributed to high economic indices. From 1921 to 1926, industrial output rose more than threefold and almost approached the level of 1913. Agricultural production has grown over these five years doubled to 18% increase over 1913. In 1927 and 1928 industrial production grew respectively 13 and 19%. Average annual growth rate of national income as a whole for the years 1921-1928 was 18%. By 1928, national income per capita grew by 10% compared with 1913. In 1922 basically there was a rationing system cancellation.
2. COPYRIGHT AND SUMMARY OF PAPERS G.Y.Sokolnikov THE COMMISSION RCP(b) On the bases of monetary reform.
1. Small change certificates is less than the gold pieces issued by the
2. Their value is fixed in gold from calculation 1 ruble. gold is equal 1/10 parts of a tchervonets.
3. Parity 1 rub. gold = 1 / 10 gold pieces is established and maintained by bank.
4. Issue of treasury notes confined to the normal ratio of the cash back money of large (up to 1 tchervonets included) and swap money (less than 1 tchervonets). This ratio is fixed by law as 2 / 3 and 1 / 3.
5. Treasury bills originally introduced into circulation in order of decreasing magnitude cuts primarily in the order of exchange of tchervonetses in the banks on treasury notes.
6. For service of a small turn from 1 rbl. silver with an establishment of legal parity – 1 rbl. gold = 1 rbl. silver also is less released.
7. Silver money is issued as the increasing size of advantage, i.e. at first group in 10 – 20 kopecks, then coins in 50 kopecks, in last turn of a coin in 1 rbl.
8. The total amount of silver to be issued into circulation until January 1, 1925, established a minimum of 100 million rubles. In case of technical difficulties with the coining of that amount may be issued bonds, due Jan. 1, 1925 the exchange of silver on demand.
9. To service the smallest turnover comes billon coin of 5 to 1 cop. Originally interchangeable booms.
10. Emission Sovznaks starts coagulating immediately upon issuance of treasury bills. It finally stopped after the issuance will be issued treasury bills amounting to 25 - 30 million rubles. (Which eliminates the danger of a token of the crisis).
11. Graduation rate Sovznaks fixed after the release of silver immediately, as soon as the voluntary retail prices will move to the silver calculus.
12. Redemption Sovznaks occurs in two forms:
1) Non-issuance of the back desks NKF and other Sovznaks received in payment for taxes, transportation, in savings banks, etc., to make payments of these cash registers in the new currency;
2) Direct exchange Sovznaks imposed on the population of the new graduate.
The first form of redemption can be made and to establish a solid buy-out
13. Product ruble as the payment unit is abolished. Only contracts and transactions have force, written in gold (gold coins).
14. Release of silver and treasury bills to cover the budget deficit can not exceed the standards established in 15 million rubles per month.
15. Regulation of market prices is made as measures to establish maximum prices, and through the combined activities of trade and industrial bodies, aiming to stabilize the normal price.
But, despite a firm position Commissariat Sokolnikova, «red directors» still demanded to continue practice of preferential financing of the industry at the expense of peasantry, that rised development of "a socialist link» in the state industry in comparison with a petty-bourgeois link of a country economy. For this purpose they insisted on unlimited expansion of bank issue. Already in «national economy Estimated figures for 1925/1926 business year», developed by the State Planning Committee, the idea about «submission of monetary circulation of increasing issue» openly affirmed.
Thus, four-year persistent struggle against inflation has been lost. Under pressing of the State Planning Committee and ВСНХ from July till December, 1925 the monetary weight has increased in comparison with 1924 by 400 million rbl., or in one and a half time that has led to balance infringement between the sizes of goods turnover and the monetary weight which was in circulation. There was a real threat of inflation, growth of the commodity prices and more and more felt deficiency of industrial essential commodities became a sign of that in September, 1925.
The peasantry has very quickly reacted in appropriate way to this situation that has led to wrecking of the plan of grain-collections. It in turn, has caused default of the export-import program and reduction of incomes of bread sale abroad. For maintenance of a steady course of a tchervonets in home market the State Bank has been compelled to enter constantly into the reference gold and a foreign currency to withdraw monetary surpluses. But these measures led not to issue reduction, and to an exhaustion of currency reserves.
So the uniform parity course of a tchervonets supported by the State Bank both on external, and in home market therefore there was a bifurcation of rates of exchange, actually, has been liquidated. Foreign currency sale has been resolved only for those who left the country, owing to what the quantity of operations on export of tchervonetses abroad has increased to exchange them at an official rate. For prevention of this process since July, 1926 it was forbidden to take out tchervonetses, and their buying up in a foreign market has soon stopped also. It meant full refusal of the quotation of the Soviet roubles abroad. The tchervonets which was one of world currencies, has turned to especially internal currency of the USSR.
However, by this time G.Sokolnikov didn't participate any more in financial actions as in January, 1926 it have released from duties of the people's commissar of the finance. It has been connected with fierce struggle in the corridors of power for a choice of the further way of development of national economy. In 1930th years G.Sokolnikov has been subjected to repression and was lost in 1939
Transition experience to a certain extent can be useful for the decision of present problems of restoration of full weight of the Russian ruble to the NEW ECONOMIC POLICY when many ideological dogmas were eliminated, disturbing to penetration into economic practice of rational economic thinking and when the commodity economy became again a monetary economy.
The uniform State bank has been restored in the course of currency reform; there were cooperative banks, credit and insurance associations, private banks on a concession basis. The system of the taxation, duties and payments for use of transport, communication facilities, the state funds was restored. But the main thing, the steady currency – a tchervonets has been started up in a turn, all other substitute money has been gradually declared by become invalid. And though the free exchange of a tchervonets for gold officially декретирован wasn't, the Soviet power has actually legalized such exchange at currency stock exchanges, strictly adhering to real parity.
Cancellation in 1925 productive tax and replacement with its monetary tax became the actual culmination of a new financial policy. Money became the main goods. These processes have logically demanded revival of monetary circulation on the basis of firm means of payment. Here pertinently to result V.I.Lenin's statement about the NEW ECONOMIC POLICY first steps, made it on IV congress of Komintern, and, by the way rather actual and during the present moment: «It will be possible to us for long term, and subsequently for ever to stabilize ruble – means, we have won … Then we can put our economy on firm soil and on firm soil to develop» further.
Serious influence on improvement was monetary-financial system rendered also by the program of a financial policy accepted by XI congress in April, 1922 the Major thesis of this program the following: «the Termination of depreciation of bank notes and stabilization of the prices are possible only on the basis of streamlining of all financial system of the state, in particular – an establishment of the real budget, data of the last without deficiency and barter increase in the country».
Currency reform was of great importance for satisfaction of requirement of economic circulation in more reliable tool of the account because to it other measuring instruments of the prices were applied to these purposes: «commodity ruble» - on the general index of the commodity prices, «index ruble» - on dynamics of the prices of a set of the products which are a part of the budget of working families, «grain ruble» - on a price index on bread, etc. (attracts attention development of statistical researches in those difficult years. Nowadays our official statistics won't learn to estimate representatively in any way consumer price indexes, costs of life, inflation.) presence of these conditional measuring instruments underlined once again importance of occurrence in a society and an economy of the country of reliable and steady monetary unit.
Thanks to reform of monetary system the hyperinflation that promoted strengthening of principles of self-financing in the industry, stabilization of the prices, trade development, expansion of commodity-money relations between a city and village has been liquidated. But the main thing, preconditions for formation of steady monetary system have been created. With release in the reference of the treasury notes which have become actually by a change of banknotes, currency reform hasn't been finished: on a plan of its authors it should come to the end with an establishment of firm conformity between a tchervonets and foreign currency within normal fluctuations. But state of the economy at that time didn't allow to count that in the near future it will be possible to finish recognized as economists not finished currency reform and to enter free exchange of tchervonetses at a firm course. And after only two years this problem has ceased to be actual. The new monetary system was steady not for long already in the middle of 1925. There were first signs of the inflation which have accepted character of creeping inflation after XIV congress has accepted a course on industrialization.
The deep structural industrialization deep structural and technical shifts in economy, and then gradual curling of an economic mechanism of the New Economic Policy have led to creation in 1930-1932 of the credit-and-monetary system meeting new requirements which are distinct from those which has been conceived in the early twenties.
This currency reform was the first stage in formation of monetary system in the USSR. Further the normalized monetary system of Soviet Union will help to create competetive economy. In spite of the fact that the Soviet union has collapsed, its monetary system had the fulfilled activity. In the country there was improbably low rate of inflation thanks to the centralized management. The monetary system was effective enough and perfectly carried out all functions. However from monetary system of the USSR presently in Kazakhstan there were only rudiments. The main principles offered in that first currency reform of monetary system which has led to approximately modern conditions are now used. Probably, that if this reform hasn't been spent is conclusive, the Soviet economy has failed, without having given will appear to such power as the USSR. And a consequence Kazakhstan wouldn't have such possibilities to be realized in the modern world, as independent, prospering, full of prospects and hopes the state.