New directions in tourism and their influence on tourism development

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 14 Февраля 2013 в 01:10, научная работа

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Today we perceive tourism as the most popular phenomenon of the twenty-first century as one of the most striking phenomena of our time, which really gets into all spheres of our lives and changes the world and the landscape. Tourism has become one of the most important factors in the economy, so we consider it to be not just as a trip or vacation. This concept is much broader and is a set of relations and unity relationships and phenomena, which accompany the person while travelling.

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Olga Nasyrina

Donetsk Institute of Tourist Business

Scientific supervisor:

Candidate of Philology, docent Filatova E.V.


New directions in tourism and their influence on tourism development


С каждым годом  всё больше людей обращается в туристические организации за турами. Интерес к туризму стремительно растёт. Люди, которые уже побывали во многих местах и увидели все самые известные достопримечательности, теряют интерес к путешествиям по тем же направлениям. Чтобы не потерять клиентов, нужно немедленно что-то предпринимать. Наилучшим выходом из этой ситуации является создание новых направлений в туризме. Многие туристические компании уже занялись создание новых направлений. Некоторые из них очень необычны. Рассмотрим три вида, а именно: военный туризм, космический туризм и эзотерический туризм.

Today we perceive tourism as the most popular phenomenon of the twenty-first century as one of the most striking phenomena of our time, which really gets into all spheres of our lives and changes the world and the landscape. Tourism has become one of the most important factors in the economy, so we consider it to be not just as a trip or vacation. This concept is much broader and is a set of relations and unity relationships and phenomena, which accompany the person while travelling.

High rates of development of tourism, large amounts of foreign exchange earnings actively affect on different sectors of the economy, helping to form its own tourist industry.[1, 15]

Therefore, in order not to lose these customers, you should immediately do something. And I think that the best way in this situation is to create new trends in tourism.

Many tourism companies are already engaged in creating new trends. Some of them are very unusual. Consider the three types, namely: military tourism, space tourism and esoteric tourism.[2, 34]

Military tourism. Currently in Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, France and other European countries the monuments of military engineering are in great interest. Therefore, new routes of military tourism have been developed. As the experience of other countries, they quickly recovered.

But it's not just about money. Meeting compatriots, especially young people, with the monuments of military engineering art, gets us into the historical legacy of the ancestors, and it is of incalculable educational value.

Military history and military-technical program have been designed for people interested in the history, development and current state of the state army.

For example, in Russia, according to a government program on military-patriotic education of youth "Voentur M” offers special survey and military history tours for school children with sightseeing tours in Moscow, St. Petersburg and visit to the Military Historical Museum and the military-technical objects .

Creators of the programs have tried to cover as wide a range of possible routes for visitors. Prices for some types of extreme sports in Russia are shown in Appendix 1.

Sections devoted to landfills and airfields, air flights (helicopters) and parachute jumping, firing, and runs on armored vehicles, seamlessly intertwined with their practical development. This kind of tourism is designed for a specific layer of modestly curious tourists to professionals.

Perhaps in the not far future the military will become a mass tourism, and its geography will significantly expand ̶ it will be extended to other regions, because our country has a rich history and can be proud of its heroic past. However, this requires tremendous effort, financial investment and support from central and regional authorities.

Space tourism. Space tourism is a spaceflight, paid from private funds, to low Earth orbit or for entertainment or research purposes. According to estimates, surveys and studies of public opinion, many people have a great desire to fly into space. According to experts, this desire can in the medium term become a major source of future space development.

Currently, the only destination for space tourism is the International Space Station (ISS). The flights are carried out with the help of Russian Soyuz spacecraft to the Russian segment of ISS. Roskosmos and Space Adventures deal with the safety of the tourists. Space Adventures has worked with "Roskosmos" since 2001. In general, with the help of this company seven tourists have already visited space (as of March 2009). Preparation of space tourists held at the Star place near Moscow, as well as in small planes that simulate weightlessness.

Although the cost of the tour to the orbit of 20-23 million dollars, the number of fans to see the space is growing steadily. In addition to tourism on the spacecraft, there are private financed projects, for several years trying to develop its own launch vehicle, its own spacecraft and orbital hotels for long-stay tourists in orbit.[4]

Esoteric tourism. Esoteric Tourism is a new and, in his own way, unique direction of tourism. It is possible to literary describe esoteric tourism as a "crusade for yourself" campaign to get to know yourself, discover something new in your life, look at the seemingly unsolvable problems in their life differently. Indeed, in our crazy time, the esoteric tourism can bring to human life an opportunity not just to relax from everyday life and enjoy beautiful places on the planet, but also to look at themselves and their lives from the outside.

Expanding their horizons and to attach to the treasures of ancient cultures, you can also awaken its hidden reserves to facilitate settlement of many vital issues, expansion of consciousness, prosperity and success. Using the ancient knowledge and spiritual practices that are an integral part of most esoteric tours, you get a unique opportunity to experience their inner world, to change the course of your life and see the reality through the eyes of truly happy man. The main objective of esoteric tourism is the disclosure of the true purpose and value of human existence, to teach him to be happy not "yesterday" or "tomorrow", but "here and now."

Tourists who pay for a trip to the edge of the world in order to cleanse their body and soul, are a few comparing to those who annually roast sides in Egypt or Turkey. And yet the so-called esoteric tourism in the CIS countries is clearly on the rise.[3]

From the points mentioned above we may notice that the new directions will always find their client. For each type there must appear a willing to try. As noted, many wealthy people are willing to spend their money to try something new. Now people want to break away from everyday life and try a habitat in which they are unlikely to once live. Therefore, all these new trends are taking place. Of course they need to refine and create new items, which would entail large costs. But the realization of these tours will cover all the expenses.

Thus we can conclude that the tourism industry needs to create new directions. This is exactly what will help to develop tourism activities and not to become obsolete in the economic market.



    1. Карпова Г.А. Экономика современного туризма. - К., 2001.
    2. Песоцкая Е.В. Маркетинг услуг. – СПб.: Питер, 2000.



Appendix 1

Prices for the components of the program of military extreme (USD)


Flights on aerobatics, 20 minutes

Shooting range

riding on the tank, run 3.5 miles




combat shooting

Lunch willingly house



Price, (USD)








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