Analysis of state and characteristics of wine tourism in Crimea, the definition of development opportunities

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 14 Февраля 2012 в 02:11, дипломная работа

Описание работы

Tourism (Fr. tourisme; tour - walk, ride) is in a period of social development, when the human need to be informed about new places to travel as a means of obtaining this information was an objective law of development of human society. Travel brings a fun and allows you to relax.

At a certain stage of economic development, when the demand for travel has increased dramatically, there were also the producers of these services. This led to the formation of a special type of goods - tourism, which can be bought and sold in the consumer market.


1. Introduction…………………………………………

1.1 Formulation of the problem………………………………………

2. Theoretical basics of wine tourism in Crimea…………………………...

2.1. History of the Crimean winemaking……………………………

2.2. Vineyards of the Crimea……………………………………

2.3. Market trends of wine………………………………………

3. Methods of research……………………………………………

4. Results of the study of the current state and development prospects and wine tourism in Crimea………………………………………………………………………….

4.1. Analysis of Crimean wine market………………………………

4.2. The study of consumer preferences using questionnaires……………

4.3. The main activities to promote wine tourism in Crimea………………..

5. Findings of the study and recommendations…………………………………….

6. Annotations…………………………………………………………………

7. List of used literature……………………………………………………..


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Janos Kodolanyi University College 

Diploma Thesis 


                                                     Melnychuk Oksana                                                                                                                                            

                                                     Tourism and Catering 



Janos Kodolanyi University College

Tourism Department 

Analysis of state and characteristics of wine tourism in Crimea, the definition of development opportunities 

Consultant: Mironets Nina

                     Akos Katay



                                       Conducted by: Melnychuk Oksana

                                         Speciality: Tourism and Catering 




1. Introduction…………………………………………

     1.1 Formulation of the problem………………………………………

2. Theoretical basics of wine tourism in Crimea…………………………...

     2.1. History of the Crimean winemaking……………………………

  2.2. Vineyards of the Crimea……………………………………

   2.3. Market trends of wine………………………………………

3. Methods of research……………………………………………

4. Results of the study of the current state and development prospects and wine tourism in Crimea………………………………………………………………………….

     4.1. Analysis of Crimean wine market………………………………

     4.2. The study of consumer preferences using questionnaires……………

     4.3. The main activities to promote wine tourism in Crimea………………..

5. Findings of the study and recommendations…………………………………….

6. Annotations…………………………………………………………………

7. List of used literature……………………………………………………..


1. Introduction.

1.1 Formulation of the problem.

Tourism (Fr. tourisme; tour - walk, ride) is in a period of social development, when the human need to be informed about new places to travel as a means of obtaining this information was an objective law of development of human society. Travel brings a fun and allows you to relax.

     At a certain stage of economic development, when the demand for travel has increased dramatically, there were also the producers of these services. This led to the formation of a special type of goods - tourism, which can be bought and sold in the consumer market.

     For N.F. Reimers, tourism - is any journey to rest and explore the new regions and objects, and O.O. Beidik gives the following explanation of the term: tourism - a form of mass travel and leisure to cognition of the environment that is characterized by ecological, educational, and other functions.

The system of views at tourism as a cultural phenomenon in the world scientific community is constantly changing. And now the structure of the tourism industry, the definition of its individual components and even the definition of "tourism" remains controversial.

     In the meantime the relevance of a clear definition of this concept is obvious. Indeed, depending on the completeness and clarity of definition of the boundaries of the tourism industry, to identify the structural components in it, the main and auxiliary industries producing recreational services, you can install and predict patterns of development of this system have a clear ideas about its borders, and as a consequence this, calculate the real economic impact of this sector of the economy and determine the extent of its influence on the development of a specific territory.

     According to some scientists, under the concept of "tourism" covers all types of human movement, not connected with the change of residence and work. At this point of view of tourism can be understood by one of the forms of migration, which has no permanent nature.

     Other authors (Azar V.I., Hodorkov L.F., Gerasimenko V.G., etc.) in their definition of "tourism" underscore the dynamic ("displacement", the "movement"), and territoriality of the phenomenon. Some authors have tourism necessarily imply the presence of active recreation.

     In 1963, the UN Conference on International Travel and Tourism, held in Rome, was approved by the definition, according to which "any person within 24 hours or more in a country other than his place of permanent residence (permanent residence) in order to rest, treatment, participation in sports activities, meetings, congresses, etc., are not covered in the host country ... "is considered an international tourist.

     Producers of services designed to serve tourists (travelers), merged into the industry, "Tourism". Tourism is not a good first necessity of life, so it becomes an urgent need for a person only at a certain level of income and wealth at a certain level of society.

     Tourism nowadays in many countries are booming is playing an increasingly prominent role in the global economy. According to experts, the level of international tourism arrivals in the 1999-2010 years can make more than one trillion tourists, and profitability of this service will steadily increase. Today in the tourism industry accounts for about 6% of global gross national product, 7% of global investment, every 16th job, 11% of global consumer spending.

     Since tourism is a cross-cutting area of ​​the economy, encompassing not only accommodation, but also transport, communications, industry, food, entertainment and much more, this area affects every continent, country or city. Importance of tourism to the economies of different countries is primarily due to the advantages that it brings the subject to successful development. First of all - is the growth of workplaces in hotels and other accommodation sites, restaurants and other food industry enterprises in the transport sector and related service industries. Another important advantage is the multiplier effect of tourism, that is, its influence on the development of related industries. A third advantage - an increase of tax revenues to the budgets of all levels. In addition, tourism has economic impact on the local economy by stimulating exports of local products.

     In Ukraine, however, a number of reasons, the scope of the tourist activity in comparison with many other countries has not yet been developed. The share of Ukraine, together with all CIS countries accounted for only 2% of world tourist traffic. Today, the number of visitors to our country of foreign visitors for business, tourism and private purposes, is about 8 million, falls far short of its tourism potential.

Among the main reasons hampering the development of tourism - generated by individual foreign and domestic media image of Ukraine as a country that is not particularly conducive to tourism imperfection existing procedures for issuing visas to Ukrainian citizens of foreign countries, safe in the migration of, an undeveloped tourist infrastructure; price discrepancy and quality hotel accommodation.

The development of wine tourism in Crimea would expand the scope of the holiday season and significantly increase revenue. However, for the promotion of specialized wine tours in the national treasury funds are not provided.

The number of tourists visiting the wineries of the Crimea is growing every year, while the development of specialized "wine roads" is in its infancy.

     If other areas of the tourism industry developed by 50-60%, the specificity of Crimean wine almost never used, it is random and unorganized.

In his turn it should be noted that the wine tours need to be developed in the offseason.

Wine roads in Europe do not mix with the rest by the sea and getting spa services, as happens in the Crimea.

     It is no accident in the late 50s of last century area of vineyards in the Crimea has reached 152 hectares and the gross harvest of grapes accounted for more than 600 thousand tons, however, at the present time; these industries are in a state of deep depression.

     During the past decade, the area of vineyards considerably reduced. In 1992 they occupied the area of ​​53.8 thousand hectares in 2002 - only 32.0 hectares. Gross harvest of berries decreased from 264.6 tons in 1990 to just over 55 thousand tons in 2002, after 1990, inclusive, up to now, retire annually from 2 to 4 hectares of vineyards.

     Over the past 10 years, the actual productivity of grapes in the Crimea as a whole accounted for 20-25% of the potentially possible level.

     According to the farms and agro formations 6.72 ha (21%) of vineyards hopeless, not worth the cost and are subject to immediate reconstruction.

     Negative role in the development of viticulture ARC is imperfect Ukrainian agrarian legislation, failure to preserve the unique winegrowing areas and ensure a rational distribution of vineyards, sustained support for the industry by the state. Measures should be taken for approval and enactment of the Law on grapes and wine, which should be the main regulatory instrument governing the development of viticulture and winemaking in Ukraine and Crimea.

     The percentage of capacities of the enterprises wine industry is only 15%.

     Very important issue is lack of a powerful advertising campaign that would increase sales and provided promotion tourist product on the market of services and receive a stable income.

Need to disseminate information about what is in the Crimea, cognac, champagne regions, areas dessert and dry wines. Until such information is scarce.

These issues affect the state and development of wine tourism in Ukraine, particularly Crimea.

     The object of my thesis research is Autonomous Republic of Crimea, as wine center in Ukraine, where the formed area of wine tourism, the subject of investigation - the demand for wine tourism product in the region and to work - an analysis of the dynamics and the factors that affect the quantity demanded. 

2. Theoretical basics of wine tourism in Crimea.

     2.1. History of the Crimean winemaking.

     In Crimea, the first vineyards have supposedly about 3 thousand years ago, when the people inhabiting the Crimea began to move to a settled life and began to cultivate grapes grown on the peninsula using wild grape plants. As evidenced by archeological excavations near Inkerman, Tauris engaged in viticulture and winemaking is already in X-VII centuries BC. According to the French scientist and explorer Dubois de Monpere, many stone buildings surviving in the "cave cities" Kaczynska and Belbekskoy valleys outside their appearance gives reason to suppose that they were designed for making wine, and the inhabitants of these cities have long been familiar with this industry of Agriculture.

     Already, at ancient period of viticulture played a very essential role in the economy of the inhabitants of the Crimea. Since the days of the campaign, B.K. Minich during the Russian-Turkish war (1735 - 1739) Crimean wines came into use in Russia, where, however, fell in the XVI century albeit in small quantities. The resettlement of Greeks, Armenians and other ethnic groups in the Priazovye to the savagery has retained them without the supervision of vineyards. Land, sometimes giving away the landlords if they are developing vineyards were so large, fortress for processing the first time was not enough, and this led to some decline of viticulture and winemaking in the Crimea. After the annexation of Crimea to Russia winemaking has evolved very slowly, but increasing demand is met mainly by foreign wine.

     Before the arrival of Catherine II in the Crimea (1787) carried out the road from Simferopol to Alushta and from Balaklava to Bakhchisarai, which significantly contribute to the development of viticulture was in the Crimea. In addition, the government adopted measures to encourage new tab vineyards. For example, in 1801 instructions for internal order and control Novorossiysk colonies indicated the need for public vineyard and in the annex to the manual instructed to issue to each colonist from 5 to 10 vines for planting.

     Since 1820 began active development of wine on the southern coast of Crimea. Prince Potemkin organized a bookmark of new vineyards to both local and imported from abroad planting material. The main center of viticulture and winemaking is Sudak and Kokozskaya Valley

     Prominent role in the development of the domestic wine played tireless activities of a prominent Russian winemaker L.S. Golitsyn, who appeared one of the pioneers in the production of sparkling wine champagne method.

     In his estate, "New World" was created exemplary vineyards, built special cellars, conducted extensive experiments on the champagne. As a result, in 1900 at the World Exhibition in Paris, sparkling wine from the New World was first awarded the highest award - the Cup Grand Prix. Since 1845 the Crimean wines were sold in Kharkov, Kiev, St. Petersburg, Orenburg, Saratov. Important role in the territorial expansion of the wine market has played a better transport links. In 1832 it was decided to construct a breakwater and pier Yalta, and the construction of roads from Alushta to Yalta and then to Sevastopol. In 1860 from Simferopol to Yalta was held highway. In the late 60s and early 70s are built railroads connecting the southern regions of Ukraine to the Russian market. By the end of the century by railroad Kharkov-Sevastopol, held in 1869 - 1875's., Transported over 130 tons of wine (for example, in 1891 - 137 in 1893 - 207 thousand tons of wine), from which, however, more than half were in the range of the Crimea for local consumption.

     The development of winemaking in the past decades of the nineteenth century contributed to the preferential tax policy of the government. Taverns on the Charter of 1876 in the provinces of wineries selling wine of its own products allow winemakers without a license.

     The total area of ​​vineyards in the Crimea at the beginning of 1914 reached 8871 ha and was 0.75% of total rotation, taking sixth place among eleven major crops grown in that time in the Crimea.

     During the First World War and the Civil War viticulture and winemaking Crimea suffered greatly, especially in connection with the ban on the sale of wine in wartime. In this war dealt a powerful blow in the first place, on a low-power and middle peasants.

     After the revolution, on the basis of the former vineyards of specific agencies and privately owned farms came the first state farms.

     The total area of vineyards in 1941 reached 13 760 ha. At this time, the culture of grapes was more profitable tobacco growing twice, fruit - three times, and field crops - nearly 15 times. Before the war in the Crimea were two factories of sparkling wines, plants for production of grape juice, built over a dozen primary processing areas. During the Second World War, more than four thousand hectares of vineyards were destroyed and others were sparse at 30-35%. In the early postwar years, the restoration of the vineyards was extremely slow.

     The main reason for the fall of viticulture production is, of course, the economic system in which the grape production is marginal. In households times the value of the grapes in the State is firmly established by the state as prices do not make even the cleaning costs of grapes, ie prices do not take into account the real costs of production of grapes.

     The latest, most powerful, shock to the industry was the economic crisis all over the Ukrainian economy and the spontaneous transition state to the new conditions of market economy. Completely abolished grants from the state budget for new bookmark and reconstruction of dilapidated vineyards.

     With the emergence of Ukraine as an independent state situation has not changed, the state does not interested in wine-making state of the Crimea, and especially not his finances.

     The revival of the Crimean winemaking in the XIX century

     At the beginning of the XIX century Crimean wine rises again, but in a different form. Having lost the connection to the past, without traditions and centuries-old experience, it is reviving lovers, not for him schadivshimi funds and not be put to the forefront of practical benefit.

     The central figure among these pioneers of amateur is graph M. S. Vorontsov. In his estates Alupka, Massandra, Ai-Danil and Gurzuf he put a lot of grapes for wine cellars built. In order to increase their income Vorontsov make purchases grapes from small landowners and farmers who did not have their own cellars and wine expensive equipment. Wines made from grapes purchased do not mix with the wine of their own gardens and sold under the brand "Aged in the cellars of Vorontsov." Unpromising wine for vodka and a smoke called "Vorontsovskaya Stark." In the 40s on the South Coast have more than 350 wineries. Vineyards at that time focused mainly in Yalta, Simferopol and Feodosia districts with a total area of ​​3.5 hectares.

     By the early 90's wine production has increased in the Crimea, and the area under vines was more than 5 thousand hectares. Well known major wine trade companies Gubonin (Gurzuf) Tokmakova and Molotow (Alushta) Tayurskiy (Castel). The main trading company in the Crimea was a firm GN Khristoforova (Simferopol). The founder of the company - Russian Georgy Khristoforov was the first guild merchant. In 1853, during the Russian-Turkish war, he redeemed at military departments of Russia powder cellars, wine stocks purchased the southern coast.

     Thorough treatment could achieve consistently high quality wines produced, as evidenced by the numerous gold medals at Russian exhibitions in Italy, Belgium and the Order of the "Grand Prix" in Paris in 1905.

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