Тиждень англійської мови

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 25 Октября 2012 в 01:09, тест

Описание работы

Гра «Що? Де? Коли?»
Good morning, everybody! Today you have a chance to show your knowledge. We shall play the intellectual game "What? Where? When?" I hope you all enjoy if very much.
Let's start our game by introducing our two teams. The first team is called ... Its captain is... The second ... Its captain is...

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Гра «Що? Де? Коли?»

Good morning, everybody! Today you have a chance to show your knowledge. We shall play the intellectual game "What? Where? When?" I hope you all enjoy if very much.

Let's start our game by introducing our two teams. The first team is called ... Its captain is... The second ... Its captain is...

Now let me introduce you our jury. They are our English teacher.

You'll have only 1 minute for each questions.

  1. Make up many translation variants of such expression as - позбавлений душевного тепла.


as cold as charity — холодний як крига;

cold as ice — холодний як лід;

as cold as stone — холодний як камінь;

as cold as marble — холодний як мармур;

  1. What is in this box? Try to guess.

I'm grey and I'm very big, I live in the jungle, but you can also find me in the zoo or in the circus. I don't eat meat. I like vegetables, leaves, grass and fruit. (An elephant)

  1. Now each team is given a card. You must match the famous couples.
  2. Adam                       A. Jane
  3. Romeo             B. Cleopatra
  4. Rhett                       C. Beast
  5. Ruslan             D. Eva
  6. Beauty             E. Tatiana Larina
  7. Tarsan             E Juliet
  8. Caesar             G. Scarlet O'Hara
  9. Eugene Onegin        І. Ludmila


(Key: ID; 2F, 3G; 4I; 5C; 6A; 7B; 8E)

  1. The funniest jokes are those that Scottish people tell about themselves. Listen to one of them.

A Scottish gentleman was spending his holiday in Vienna. The town was very beautiful and his guide was a very beautiful young lady too. She was his guide in the town and in the country. "I will have the best memories of her", he thought. Before he left he decided to give her some present to thank her for her kindness. He wanted to be sure that the present was something that she liked and he asked her what presents she liked best of all.

"You know very well", she said "that I like to look beautiful and to put on beautiful things. Give me something for my neck, for my ears or my fingers.

Next morning the Scottish gentleman appeared with a present — a diamond ring? a gold bracelet? Now try to answer the question: what present did he give her?

(Key: he gave her a piece of soap!)


Music break (A song A, E, 1, 0, U I love you or any other)


  1. Now we'll continue our game.

What theatre did Shakespeare write most of his plays for?

(Answer: Shakespeare wrote most of his plays for the Globe Theatre)

  1. You've learnt a lot of English proverbs at your English lessons. Now try to fill in the following proverbs.
  2. Actions speak louder than... (Words)
  3. A friend in need is... (A friend in - deed)
  4. All is well that... (Ends well)
  5. Business before... (Pleasure)
  6. First think, then... (Speak)


  1.  Now try to guess: what is in this box?

There stood a house,

All marble white.

One day

A knock from inside

Broke down.

Those walls of marble

Out sprang.

(An egg and a chick)

  1. How many white stars are there on a field of American Flag? What do they represent?

(Answer: There are 50 white stars on the flag of the USA. They represent the 50 states.)


  1. You know many kinds of music. I'll read a bit about one of them. You must listen to me attentively and answer what kind of music it is. You can hear this music every day and everywhere. There are a lot of ensembles and musical groups who perform this kind of music, let's take for example Modern Talking" and their best song "You're My Heart, You're My Soul". You can dance to such music while listening to it.

(Disco music) Music break

  1. Now help the members of the family to choose the right way of travelling. Imagine you have a plane, a train, a bicycle, a car and going on foot. The family is planning their family holiday. They don't want to buy tickets or be in a hurry catching their plane or train. They want to stop wherever they like. They want to visit any place they like. What is the best way of travelling?

(Answer: by car)

  1. You can find the symbol of England in the box. What is it?

(Answer: A rose)


  1.  Who were these people?

1) Neil Armstrong was

a )composer

b) an artist    c) a spaceman

2) Cleopatra was

  1. an actress
  2. queen     c) a prime minister

3) Caesar was

  1. a Roman general
  2. an artist     c) a king

4) William the Conqueror was

  1. a sportsman
  2. a king
  3. a scientist

5) George Washington was

  1. a writer
  2. an engineer
  3. a general

6) Hogarth was

  1. composer
  2. a scientist
  3. an artist

7) Isaac Newton was

  1. a scientist
  2. a doctor
  3. an actor

8) Mozart was

  1. an engineer
  2. a scientist
  3. a composer

9) Tchaikovsky and Stravinski were

  1. writers
  2. composers
  3. artists

10) The Beatles were

  1. engineers
  2. pop singers
  3. doctors


(Key: 1c;2b;3a;4b;5c;6c;7a;8c;9b;10b)


The jury sums up and announces the score of the game.



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