Презентация марки одежды "Benetton"

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 02 Апреля 2012 в 01:16, шпаргалка

Описание работы

Все мы знаем, Benetton. Но не все знают историю успеха этой торговой марки.
Все началось в 1984 году, когда итальянский Дом моды Bennetton, ориентированных на производство молодежной одежды и аксессуаров, предложил Оливьеро Тоскани, чтобы возглавить отдел маркетинга.
"Мне нравятся люди, которые сомневаются ничего. Если вы уверены, о чем-то, это не искусство больше, где-то вы уже видели это. Главное, чтобы не быть первым, а тот ".
В то время итальянская компания Benetton готовилась к интервенции на мировом рынке и разработка маркетинговой концепции атаке. Генеральный директор Benetton Лучано Бенеттон, обещал Тоскани полную свободу действий и фотограф согласился стать креативным директором проекта.

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All of us know Benetton. But not everyone knows the history of success of this trade mark.

Everything started in 1984 when Italian Fashion House Bennetton, focused on production of youth clothes, and accessories, invited Olivero Toscani to head Marketing Department.

“I like people who doubt anything. If you are sure about something- it is not an art anymore; somewhere you have already seen this. The main thing is not to be the first, but the one.”

At that time Italian company Benetton has been preparing for intervention in world markets and working out attacking marketing concept. CEO of Benetton, Luciano Benetton, promised to Toskani ultimate freedom of actions and photographer agreed to become a creative director of the project.

There are many people who say that advertising campaign of Benetton, started in 1984, became a new page in the history of modern advertising . In 1984 slogan of the company was “All the colors of the world”. The next year Toscani changed it on “The united colors of Benetton”. And, what is essential for photographer, the main “messages’’ of the company were sent in international language- language of photo. The first photo which became wide known was one with children of different races and nationalities dressing in bright old clothes by Benetton.

Success of the first campaign inspired Benetton for new experiments. During the next 18 years of working for Benetton, Toscani was choosing different themes for advertising photosets, without avoiding the main global problems: race discrimination, AIDS, war. On billboards of Benetton Fashion House in different years you could see: newborn with umbilical cord; Afro-American woman, feeding white baby; real hearts with inscription White, Black, Yellow (all hearts are similar); flying condoms of different colors; copulating horses of different breeds, young catholic priest kissing young nun and so on. “Horses remind us about spontaneity of nature, that is more and more difficult for understanding in our synthetic world.”

Benetton Fashion House in association with United Nations Organization realized advertising campaign, dedicated to anniversary of Declaration of Human Rights: portraits of young people from different countries with the first paragraph of the Declaration: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

In 1992 for Benetton advertising campaign Toscani took the foto of young American David Kerbey, dying of Acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

Advertising campaign of 2000 became the last common project of Olivero Toscani and Benetton. As posters were used photo portraits of 26 murderers waiting for death penalty in American prisons. This photoset became the reason of serious trial in which Benetton was involved and so incur huge losses. Toscani had to leave Benetton and start working for New York magazine.

In interview to www.designbloom.com Olivero Toscani said: My slogan is to live each day like it is the last day of my life because one day it will become history. Create life instead of destroying it.”

Информация о работе Презентация марки одежды "Benetton"